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The Younger, The Trickster, Joke Collector, Crafter of Accidents and Maker of Mishaps, Arch Thief and Basement Spelunker Jarna

Youngest of Mivna

The Last Child to be born of Mivna, Jarna grew up in a large and divided household with her elder sister Vennesia regularly coming and going for months on end as she grew up. Jarna quickly found, that if she wanted to be noticed she had to do something out of the ordinary, she grew tired of the rigidness and the fear of the time, for the gods were at war, and so Jarna tried to make them laugh to open their hearts to joy, but in dark times there was no laughter, and no joy.  


While the World was busy tearing itself apart Jarna wandered it, she found those it hurt the most, and she hung around their place, she made them laugh she made them smile, for what is a life without joy, sure the world was ending she told them, but you can at least enjoy what time is left, so she traveled the world. She found a pertinacity for annoying those who did not smile, she stole little things here and there, misplaced a few others. If they could not laugh or smile she would laugh at them, at least somebody had a good time then.  


As the war grew dire Raziel called upon all gods, those who did not answer would be ousted, and so Jarna was forced into something much too grim for her taste, but help she did, she stole and killed, but hated it, it made her angry, those dead would never have a chance to laugh again, and worst of all she could not have fun with a corpse. Since those days Jarna has hated Razial and the gods, chosen to distance herself from all those uptight creators, no the mortals were much more fun.


When the Elven pantheon tore itself apart, she did not side with any of them, she had enough of violence, and she had enough of family killing themselves, so she left. When the fighting seized, and peace once more settled she had a place amongst neither, and so she wandered alone, the road was her home, and whoever she meet was her family.



The Trickster

The Aspect of the trickster is to seek to bring joy to the world and to laugh with it or at it. To her life without joy is not really a life at all, so she seeks to bring joy by telling simple jokes, to break the monotonous days by tricking folks, misplacing a few items, and such.   But to those who have no joy in life, and especially those who take themselves too seriously she can be notorious, for Jarna hates the self-righteous, and will harass them endlessly at times until they learn humility.  

The Thief

Jarna is well known to have sticky fingers, taking things she likes for her personal collection, everything from legendary relics, to silver spoons she found particularly neat. Jarna is by that extend the patron of thieves, she loves watching mortals steal from each other, but she is also capricious, the moment a thief is spotted, fails in his task or worse take a life she loses all interest in them, and to regain her blessing is no easy feat.  

The Traveller

In the long years, she wandered, she had now seen how lonely the world could be, Jarna grew to pity those without a home, having felt the cold and bitter nights, and chilly roads, but also the kindness of wayside travelers around a bonfire. She swore that she would protect them, and keep them warm. That any who walked the road would be under her blessing. Thus she is often hailed as the Traveller, old statues often found along old roadsides, old and new shoes alike placed at shrines as offerings.  


The worship of Jarna is simple, and not often done in mass, for she has no churches or temples, at least none in plain sight. Many may give her respect as that of the Trickster, to seek joy in their lives and such people may simply leave her something they think she'll enjoy or tell her a joke and she may look upon them favorably. While thieves must practice their craft to earn her favor or simply have copious amounts of spunk, that may entertain him.

Divine Domains

Trickery, Thievery, Joy, and Laughter, Traveling.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

9 boots overlaid to form a circle.
Divine Classification


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