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Mother of the betrayed, Patron of Murderers, Beloved of the Cruel, She of a thousand eyes and a hundred legs. Mivha

Lolth carries many names, for her origins are shrouded in mystery and legends from an age long since past, to the Drow she is viewed as Mivha returned while the High Elves revile her as Lolth the Deceiver.

Bound beneath the earth

Old legends say that upon the death of her Husband Mivha was driven into a frenzy as she attacked her Sister Semalia and was therefor imprisoned beneath the earth as they could not bring themselves to kill her, instead her punishment would be eternal for trying to kill another god.   However, the Drow claim that Mivha was righteous in her attacks of Semalia, as she was the one who killed Laark in an attempt to usurp him.   Thus was Mivna interned deep below, in a realm where no light reached and where only the smallest of creatures could creep down, there she was left with her thoughts of hatred for her Sister and the gods that turned her back upon her. Beneath the earth did she whisper secrets to the creatures that could keep her company, and in turn did they allow her to see the world through their eyes, weeping for her children bereft of their mother.    

Mother of the Drow

Upon her return to the Surface did she rally the gods still loyal to her, in order to reclaim her children from her usurping sister she appeared in the dreams of her children and some rallied to her, while others believed her a vile imposter send to kill their savior thus they named her Lolth the Deceiver.   In the end, both Lolth and all her followers were cursed, their skin forever marked by their betrayal and driven beneath the earth. Where their minds like their mother would be poisoned with hatred for those who they deemed had betrayed them.  

The Callous One

Lolth is a nurturing mother, but not a caring one, to her, all that matters now is strength, there is no room for love, for it helped her nothing in her darkest hour only raw power, thus she encourages the culling of the meek, infighting is merely pruning to ensure only the strongest survive, so that their society may never grow weak like their former kin.  



The Vengeful One

Lolth is the Seething embodiment of the scorned, every slight ever committed against her and her followers can only be sated with overwhelming devastation of those who have committed said crimes. To Lolth it is a sign of weakness not to seek vengeance for every slight, answer always in kind to what was done to you, allow no one to disrespect you, allow no one to slight you.  

The Weaver

Lolth is the Grand Manipulator, weaving a web of intrigue and deceit wherever her tendrils find their way. Let no one know your true intentions trust no on, for all will betray you in the end, such does she teach her followers for if even her sister and fathers could cast her out and kill her husband, turn her children against her; There is no one left to trust, all that matters now is vengeance, every relation is a tool that you should exploit to it's fullest, to love without intent is pathetic to her.  

The Hundred Eyed

Lolth is the god of Insects and Arachnids, those that kept her company in her prison, twisted by her imprisonment she turned to look like her new followers, therefore are they sacred creatures, vile and simple they are perfection, for they hold no love, no pity, they strive only to survive. Especially spiders are to be revered, for they mirror Lolth. The Hundred Eyed is a cruel aspect of the goddess, it is all of her lonesome dementia from millennia of imprisonment, all of her love has long since been deprived, now she seeks only vengeance and the survival of the children.  


The worship of Lolth is excessive and bloody, done in grand ornate temples where one shower her with love and adoration and beseech her strength. Sacrifices of blood and excessive blood sports are made to show her the strength of her followers.

Divine Domains

Betrayel, Hate, Intrique, Deception, Insects, Nurture and War.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Her symbol is usually the depiction of spider, or a web.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To reclaim the love and loyalty of all her children, and the destruction of the gods and all their followers.



Husband (Vital)

Towards Lolth




Wife (Vital)

Towards Laark



Great Mother, oh mighty creator, give unto me the strenght to tear out the throat of my foes, allow me to kill all those who appose me, let me weed out the weak amongst me, and i will take the flesh of our foe, i will take their lives, their families and their wealth, let the weak suffer your beneath your might, give unto my thy strenght oh Mother.
— Common Prayer
Divine Classification
Accursed Celestial
Laark (Husband)


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