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The Ever Huntress, The Outsider, The Wild Heart, The Midwife.

Cursed Child

Second Daughter of Laark , but not of Mivna , for Vennesia was the product of an affair, something which would earn her the scorn of her "mother". Vennesia always grew up on the fringes of their holdings, not wanting the hostility of the household upon her. Instead, she grew up on her within the old woods of the world, she hunted to survive and in time she barely spoke anymore for there were non to talk with, the woods fears her because of what she was, and animals knew her as an outsider. And so it would be for many years.  

Wild Heart

Vennesia strayed further and further away from the realm of mortals and gods alike, going ever deeper into the woods as time went on, eventually resembled more the animals of the Wild Wood than a god, and when she returned from her journeys the gods would barely recognize her, earning her further scorn and distrust, the gods claimed she resembled more a titan than god, barely speaking simply grunting and pointing. In time she would make the woods her home, the animals and woods had come to see her as one of their own, and since then she has been its protector.  


On one of her, few visits home she found her "Mother" alone about to give birth, rushing to her aid unwanted she helped deliver Kanar and Jarna as she had other creatures in the Wild Woods. And for a time she stayed welcomed in a household she had never truly been a part of, helping her mother raise her younger siblings, with love and affection, she grew to love the sound's of her baby brother and that of a loving family, but as Kanar grew older she felt the woods call upon her, asking her to venture deep, for they feared a poison, as mortals drew axe deeper and deeper into the beating heart of the wood. When she came back, she found the world changed, a war had ravaged it, her mother dead, her brothers and sisters scattered and tormented, and she ousted once more the Outsider and so she ventured back into her woods alone once more. But she would never forget the time with her mother and brother and swore to always watch over the pregnant and their children.  

The Coming of Gethwen

Alone did she hunt within the glades of the woods for untold centuries, untold one day a strange elf approached her, he begged for a way to enter the wild woods, to find a path without the hubris and magic of his kin, she ignored him for many years, in time he began to attend her hunts and through the years did they begin to hunt together, she taught him how to live as one with the woods, for one does not find the wild woods one listens, one learns she told him. And though he was elf he had shown her kindness and companionship, while ousted by illuminar and their followers, in time she grew to appreciate his presence for the woods though kind could not fill her empty heart.    



Protector of the Woods

Vennesia is the protector of the woods, she hates to see needless carnage such as killing for sport, industrial usage of timber that takes away from the forest, and she is relentless in its punishment, some also call her the Harbinger for this wrath. But to those who live by the laws of the wild, she is its protector.  

The Midwife

Vennesia is also hailed as the Midwife for her love of children, it is a common sight for mothers to give their children markings of Vennesia that she may watch over them, and those expecting children often give sacrifice in her name to ensure safe delivery. But through this aspect she also fosters familial love, not through blood, but by being there for those you care for, as she did for her family.  

The Eternal Huntress

Vennesia is often hailed as the Eternal Huntress for her entire existence has been an endless hunt of worthy prey, therefore she is often seen as the patron of hunters, and those who hunt for food and not sport have her blessings to do so. Many folks who live on the edge of civilization give part of their prey to her, that she may bless their hunts to be fruitful.      


There are few ways to worship Vennesia, and rarely does she have active priesthoods or temples to her name, most simply give thanks in her name and venerate her name. She appreciates any thanks, for in particular, she is fond of receiving part of a fruitful hunt.

Divine Domains

Hunting, Survival, Animals, Freedom, Childbirth.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A tree with staglike horns for branches.
Divine Classification


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