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West of the Riverlands of Frian are the gentle valleys, rolling meadows and open fields of Karstelm, countless communal settlements dot the landscape, in the northern lands of Karstelm one sees the great pastures dominated by equestrians, for in Karstelm war horses and workhorses have long been greatest occupation for both peasants and the many nobles who seek to embody the ideals of knighthood, even as the battlefield has n place for them anymore. The great and beautiful grasslands are marked by the sprawling cities, for Karstelm is the beating heart of the league, home to the greatest city and once the city of the great king himself and as the greatest cities in the league, but also the fewest large settlements, as many nobels wish to retain their lands for the rearing of necessary crops and more importantly horses. Once the rarest of commodities in the days before the blessing of the gods made such pastures possible, now its strong horses are highly sought after breed with plenty of lands.   But as one comes south the old ways rear its face once more, the farms become sparer, and the smoke and fire of industry both ancient and new makes its mark upon the land. The forest here is all but tamed from the rumble of machines that tear them apart for timber, ancient mining sites have long since been overgrown in its past desperation for resources, creating a quite surreal picture compared to the rural townships found across the countryside, but In the great southern cities, the smog is a constant companion, to some parcel of living in modern and strong society to others a black mark upon their god gifted soil.      

Locations of interest

Mount Heilarn From all over Karstelm the great peak of mount Heilarn can be seen dominating the horizon, to the people it is a constant reminder of the holy covenant and the power of the league’s holy cause, and a reminder that the gods witness all. At its mighty base rest the grand Cathedral dedicated to Raziel and the founding of his creed, and his chosen one The Good King Korvand.
Included Locations


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