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Korholmers are an opportunistic bunch, it is expected that people take every chance and occasion, not only for advancement and riches but it is expected that all are willing to take fate into their own hands and be proactive, the moment you give momentum to someone else you have already lost your chance. A popular saying in the country goes that “Power is something are you are born to, but to keep you earn it”   For when the good king took power, he ruthlessly culled those families who did not contribute to his cause and those who performed poorly in their assigned roles. A tendency he could not carry on in the liberated and joined states. This bred a notion in Korholm, that nobility was only worth the same as the man who carried, and nobility became associated with rank earned, a man who inherited titles, but added non in his life became a failure and burden upon legacy.   This lessened the gap in perceived power between the lower class and the high nobility and gave perceived authority that even they could climb the social ladder where nobles were culled, a notion that only expanded in the growing industry and army as the good king marched ever onwards. Thus it bleeds into the culture, a trait that korholmers still holds, especially In the armed forces, where an individual is expected to show initiative and a flexible chain of command trained and drilled.   In Korholm many are raised with the expectation of joining the army, if not a life on the dwindling farms or the growing factories. Children play army games, and towns hold tournaments amongst themselves for activities after work, testing their mettle against one another with grit and teeth and laughing amongst themselves afterward. Amongst the Korholmers competition and to some extend violence is viewed as a pastime, with many villages and townships alike hosting such events as a friendly pastime, with victors hosted as great pillars of the community, given birth to a strong dueling culture, though it is viewed as a tidbit out of date, many still practice it, and grand tournaments are held amongst   For all their individualist streaks, the people of Korholm care much for community and country, many of them having experienced military life in draft or professional fashion in their lives, having bred strong discipline they give on to their children, and a strong sense of brotherhood and together with countrymen from all over Korholm and the League.
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