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Birthlands of king Korvand the great, the lands of Korhold have since those days followed in the proud of footsteps of their forebearers, as the greatest soldiers the league have seen. Great military academies and thunderous industry to place here to ensure the vision of the long-dead king be brought into fruition, to protect humanity from the horrors outside its borders, and unite the race once more under a single banner.   The lands of Korholm are mainly that of the lush grasslands of the Lily-valley, a hilly landscape of rolling lush fields, marred by the increasing deepshute mines smithies, and factories that increasingly dot the land of the growing cities.   To the north of Korholm is a tract of land completely dominated by mires and wetlands, the lands have largely been left untouched through the years, though in recent memory great efforts have been made to drain some of these lands for agriculture.   Korholm has long been cursed with vicious storms coming in the great plains, and though this harsh weather has often made for tenacious harvest seasons, tearing at the roots, and beating it down, even tearing at the roots of trees. Therefore root vegetables have often for natural vegetation, though most farmers prefer wheat despite the difficulties as it’s easier to sell in the league. These storms have however often been quite harsh in recent years, quacking up great dust storms as they sweep the great midden lands.      



Knos Forest

While in the borderlands between it and the Frias region sits the great Knos Forest, an eyesore to most in the Ornlands, as it’s well known to harbor deserters, evil spirits, and worse still, elves. In truth, most would rather see the forest burned, but timber is always needed, and resources are ill available to purge a forest of such magnitude.  

Doom Mire

a place of ancient evil according to folklore, though it has largely been drained for farmland, and so far no great evil has swallowed the world, so the stories of a God outside of time dwelling there have long become old superstition rather than actual myth. This dense quagmire, usually surrounds itself in heavy mist, the long reeds obscuring vision from the low-hanging trees whose foliage hangs into the rancid waters. Little life is found here, save that of insects and and small fish. The ancient mire is marked by old standing stones, in which strange garbled messages were written.   Old stories say that in the time of the sundering a great spire stood there, a land of great promise for doomed man, the last kingdom the stories said. But that a great devil came upon it searching for a champion, and when it found her she made her woe known in terrible vengeance, taking and stealing the life of the land until the end of time, those who fled the doom of the old kingdom would be beset by nightly terrors, until they returned to the mire, carved into ancient stone, the terrors they saw, and the words of the herald, until life faded from their bodies.  


  A solitary mountain, stands on the eastern borders of Korholm, its peak having the uncanny formation in the semblance of a sword’s blade. The mountain has several small plateaus, on which various strange types of trees and vegetation can be found, each plateau hosting its own little havens unique to one another. Though ultimately little more than a curiosity to most, the mountain is quite important to the locals who live around it, for substance, and the cult that has sprung up around it. As many see it as a symbol of Calium made manifest, a somewhat archaic god, but he has long had following the Ornlands those that still worship him have flocked to the peak. During annual dualing festivals, it is common for Korholmers to come and test their metal against the best duelist or see if they can claim such a title.  

Bakn pit

The old pit is the largest mine in all of Korholm, a place of great woe for the mine is deep and treacherous and dangerous, many have descended into it’s shute never to return. But it is a place of generational work, for the pay is good, and so long as coal can be duck and minerals extracted, it will always be so. Locals often ascribe the place's dark and ominous properties, but to many, it is folk talks and hearsay.
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