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Fyrst Sigurd Stolbrand

Sigurd is a weathered man, tired and worn from a life time of war, he has fought and bleed in all three Norakeen wars and even served for a time the fourth great northern war and many smaller theaters of war, before he came home to his ancestral estate in Ravnbjerslot, eager to retire and assist his sons in the govering of their realm, he would however loose two to war Norakeen wars and the last of sons & his secound wife to an assassin that was never caught. Leaving  him with only a daughter who he has somewhat controversially decided to tuter in more statsly affairs.   A strict man to many, and somewhat paradoxically a man who firmly believes in tradition despite his life being anything but, he firmly belives in their power to maintain polite society has he calls it in society, demanding modesty and restraint from those around him, even as he himself has never practiced either. He has thus sought to bring such things to his domain ever since he had to rule it again, maintaing strict public order & maintaing public holidays, both old and new to bring the people of ravnsbjergslot together. To many he is a man torn between the old & new, having been brought up in a world of druidism and the great ciricles, but having taken in much of Raziels teachings during his time in the army, and in his court it is not rare to find priests of Raziel and "Historians" or "Advisors" in the old craft, the same is reflected in the town, with the old communal Grove & Ting remaining.
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