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The Korval League

The four central states, named the Korvali named for their mythical king, are staunch and traditional folk, born upon the fertile plains that cover most of their lands they are a highly urbanized country. Their nation had deeply rooted nobility and kings and queens are an immensely important factor in their lives, for they symbolize their very nation, the aspects of nobility, a man is supposed to be brave gallant, and determined, he is to look for the horizon and to protect and seize holdings by force of arms. While a woman is to look after their lands in times of war, to bring stability and provide for the people and raise the next generation. The Nobels keep long convoluted and often obscure family trees to show how ancient their families are, and the aspiration to join such families is often the dream of the Korvali, where new houses are often frowned upon unless they take their seed from the older houses as justification. Important to the Korvali is that they do not favor bold action, they prefer carefully planned excursions, and never rush something.  

Races Within the League



The elven races are relentlessly hunted within the League, to ensure that their evil cannot fall upon the innocent of the nation. Though not all parts of the League share this opinion, such regions often joined the League with the condition that their beloved friends and sometimes the family would be spared the Witchfinders and the Elf Homes. These regions are often called safe havens, here the Witch Finders may not enter unless they are suspected of harboring elves born outside of the haven.      

Magic and Elves

The Central states unlike many other of its puppets, most do not hate the elves, they are considered useful but dangerous, and in public opinion, they are seen as mystical beings who might snatch you away. magic has a long history of being outlawed and its users hunted down, but during the last great war for the north against the goblinoids, its practice was deemed a necessary evil and was introduced into the military its users sanctioned if they joined armed forces and allowed great privileges. It is fear well-grounded in its sheer destructive potential, few things can change a land as much magic Stemming from the memory of a long-gone age when elven mages dominated the continent Andaras. Now mages must join the academies and be given permits, these permits are divided into two ranks and further subranks. Sanctioned; the sanctioned are allowed to cast magic under from the state and army. They are allowed to live in the academies and if granted land to live on that land. The Abled, the abled are simply allowed to know magic, but may not practice, such mages live in constant fear and caution, knowing well that should they lose such a permit or be further degraded it will be at the gallows.   Within the League, this notion is continued with what is called Magi-Pass, a license that dictates whether or not you are allowed to cast magic, and those able to cast magic who do not possess such a license are liable to hunt by a fearful mob if the Witch Finders don't find them first and drag to the Arcane Holds, where the choice is easy, earn a license or meet the Arvilian.  

The Dimming Light

  The league has stood as a center of power unmatched by any other force in Andaras for the past 300 years, but these days it seems to many its glory is waning. The last great proved as much, as its forces suffered incredible casualties in its conflict against the Kingdom of Jarven. Though for Korval it was but a fraction of their forces, it shattered the invincible image of their sky fleet and shamed the League. The repercussions are still felt as rebellions and secessionists have sprung up in unseen numbers, as the war against the Centaur hordes increase, as the northern hobgoblins grow bolder, Ulhoir raiders strike deeper, the forest grows darker, orcs strike from the east and west, and whispers of the terrible beast are becoming commonplace. The League is beset on all fronts and it’s forces struggle to maintain control let alone its borders.  

The Five Kings

With the death of King Korvand, his kingdom was in peril, but his trusted advisor proved that the king has made a final degree, that divided authority between each of the regions and his descendants and that the overall direction of the kingdom would be decided by the council between the representatives of each region, thus declaring the birth of the Korval League. As the great lord of each region declared themselves king as the supreme lords of their respective regions. Thus the Five Kings have lead the League since the glory dies of Korvand. While far from flawless, the council of kings has kept the League together and expanded its borders, and kept each other in check, via the fragile balance of power that exists between them. again, doesn't matter, they could have easily died from what happened in ant land  

Heirs to the Throne & Authority.

Each king can declare his own heir, though the heir must a man has clearly only a man can truly emulate the power and authority of a man of Raziel, an aspect that also is embodied in many other aspects of society. If no son was born to a king, then the church mediates the closest living male relative to take the position. An heir must also exhibit the traits of the great founding king Korvand, white hair, and golden eyes. If a king dies without an heir the church is tasked to choose a suitable and pure heir.   Women on the other hand are usually expected to emulate the queen that Korvand took on in life, though this role changes quite frequently as he took many wives during his long life, the discussion then often devolving into who was his favored, often chosen based on if she was from ones own region, though it is obviosuly because she was his true love. Therefor women who seek great ambitions often go into the outer regions, to find either a suitable husband they can elevate or their own fortunes where the customs are less restrictive on power.  

Noble Hierarchy

The five kings are technically the highest-ranking titles one can hold within the League, but the old seat of the High King Korvand is still empty, and though it cannot be claimed by less than the agreement of all 5 kings and all members states. Beneath the 5 Kings are the Lords, rulers of the regions, and generally a title bestowed upon an individual or family to administer and govern a region, though some regions instead elect their lord, it largely depends on the specific region and how it joined the league. Beneath the lords are the Dukes, who administer the individual provinces, in some regions these positions are hereditary but the norm is that a duke is chosen by the Lord of the region. There are how many many nobles exist outside of this hierarchy, the vast majority are members of the Korvast Novo, who are often employed in the military, are landowners, and oversee the lands of the Dukes.    

The Grand Council.

The nature of the council has changed much since its inception, as the league grew larger with the passing years, as barons and lords from the conquered regions went as advisors and the courts of the kings grew beyond what could be managed the grand council was established so that separate regions could represent themselves in the league. A right that was called for with increasing regularity, the kings had to relent both from external pressure and internal as their courts were overburdened, and to preserve stability amongst the growing regions. These changes occurred relatively swiftly in the history of the League, with the newest development being the increased rise of so-called Factory Barons and merchant middle class. Who wields increasing wealth and power within the league, beginning to demand greater representation or meddling with procedures outside of their class.  

The Three Halls.

The league is structured around the 3 halls, the hall of kings, formed by the 5 kings of the central states, they serve as executive positions with full veto power over decisions regarding their own regions and approve of any legislation that the other halls may draft and write, and may at any time interrupt proceedings, though if two of the kings are in disagreement, either the other kings must break the stalemate or the decision is passed further into the hall of lords. Many of the nobles of the central states are present in the hall of kings as advisors to the kings, who are also often appointed as ministers of certain tasks they must oversee, sometimes even in the regions, and as diplomates and delegates as the kings may see fit. Once elected by the kings for such a task a majority of them must be in agreement to see him relieved of his position and his replacement if needed.   In the hall of lords, here it is the titles that hold power, the lords and dukes of the different regions hold seats here to represent their lands, and to ensure the league can properly communicate the needs of its member states and what demands they may have. Though the lords of the different regions usually send trusted envoys in their stead as they are often busy actually ruling their lands, and will only personally show for things of great importance.   Last is the hall of voices, to sit in the hall of voices one must purchase a 5-year long seat, such positions are usually held by the wealthy factory barons, and sometimes those of the rising merchant middle class, who band together in guilds who band together to purchase a seat and elect a representative.    

The Light of Raziel

Though worship of gods is a rarity within many human societies or limited to rare patron gods, in the League worship of the great Celestial Raziel has spread throughout the nation, as their mythical king was his supposed champion and by extension the nation. Where ever its banner flew so too did the church of the great Celestial. Bringing back faith in the gods to scattered human civilizations, the light of Raziel uplifted humanity into a new age, as the stewards of the new world. Or so the common spiel would go, and with the worship of Raziel, the more common worship of many other gods was soon to follow. To some signaling the just cause of bringing the gods back into the life of godless and abandoned people, to others a break with tradition and an act of cowardice. The People of Korval Worship Raziel as the holy sanction of the law, and it is said that Raziel blessed the reign of the fable king Korvand, and therefore his many descendants the current nobles by extension rule by the blessing of Raziel. Giving the nobels a sense of divinity, and therefore Raziel is considered the Patron of their right to rule the lands of the world their people was blessed, therefore it is only righteous that they extend his will by arms. Another important aspect is Valatau, whom they worship as an embodiment of plains upon which they live, fertile and beautiful, fair and compassionate the valies have always seen to the need of the Korvali, and its harsh winters have always protected it during times of conflict, just as Valatau showers her children in love does she smite their enemies. Just as Raziel represents an aspect of the nobels, so too does Valatau represents another important aspect nobles in Korval are meant to embody. Other gods of less importance would be Jeila, the goddess of music, and the people of Korval have always been great patrons of the arts. But in all things they do, they take a measured approach and it is considered great taboo to overindulge among their people. Though it is a well-known fact that some nobles have such tendencies they are greatly frowned upon, and might even ruin their careers.  

Ancestor Worship

  The people of Korval have an intimate relationship with the dead and their honored ancestors, which should come as little surprise with their veneration of ancestral lines and great heroes of legend the people of Korval view the dead as sacred and go to great care to secure earthly possession to venerate the dead, most people can only afford common burial, but noble families will have great and resplendent mausoleums. Therefore the clergy of Teshkari are well established within Korval to protect the dead and oversee their earthly remains. Though actual worship of them has in most regions long faded, and been replaced with the Creed of Raziel.  

Blood of the Chosen

To one, extend or another nobility came to revolve around the blood of the First King Korvand, first by his marriages into other noble families to cement his lineage and claim in the lands who joined, and even after his death, newly joined nations would marry into Korvali Nobility, thus all the great families and lords can trace their lineage however distantly to the First King. Such a thing is a sign of great power and the greatest sign of authority, the greatest proof of this, is the ashen white hair of his blood, for it is said that after he descended the mountain, his hair had turned as white as the heavens, and his eyes as golden bloomed with the light of Raziel, traits his descendants would bear.    


The commonfolk look up the nobility, following the trends of their peers, and rallying cry of the nobleman's banner can start a blaze of courage within the people, they trust them to do what is right and righteous for the people of Korval. But in Korval it is believed everybody has a place, and you are more often than not born into that place, upwards mobility happens rarely and is something kept by the privilege of the nobles who can sponsor somebody's further studies. And indeed study and military service are few ways for a commoner to succeed, though they will most likely be looked down upon. To the Korvali there is a common saying “If it is not written, it does not exist.” It comes from a long tradition of codifying their laws, and keeping a record, it means much to their them that the world is legislative, and equal to the men, that all are equal in the eyes of the law. Family and marriage are held in high regard by the people of Korval, and failure to become married or to help one's family is considered taboo. Gender Roles in Korval hold that men are the ones who are supposed to earn the family keep, it is them who are expected to join the army and it is them who are suppose to bring fortune to the family, while women are supposed to be lord of the household, they are expected to raise the children and she is expected to be educated so that she may educate her children, for merchant families she will often be the shopkeep while the man is out procuring wares. There are different expectations for noblewomen however they are also to be protectors of their land and holdings while men are away and are thus expected to have military education.     Idioms "Grey Hairs are Honorable, and the young must wait for theirs.” "all in good time" To begin is easy, to persist is an art. Desperate diseases must have desperate remedies. "Desperate times call for desperate measures". There is no small foe. What comes early Rots early – What comes easy, will sour just as easily/Precocious talent or premature success is often short-lived. Whatever you do, act wisely, and consider the end A good name is the best of all treasures. – the greatest goal is to be respected.    

Cultures of the League


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