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Arcane Holds

Founded shortly after the first plague the Arcane Holds were instituted as the final answer to the mage problem, to coral and gather them in single points where they might be controlled more carefully, but also for the undisputed fact that Korval needed their power, with so many dead and so much of the army succumbed this dark age required even more dire solutions.   As such the Arcane Holds were established to ensure central control over the magically abled inhabitants of the Korval League, that only those deemed responsible and in control of their powers should be able to wield their terrible powers. For where magic is wielded the veil grows thin, and devils spew forth, it requires careful study and steady mind to wield magic, and as such it is only reasonable it be taught and used for the benefit of the people, rather than against them.  


An important notion in nearly every Hold is that during tutelage a Magus is expected to teach their pupils the importance of discipline and adherence to hierarchy, not least for the Hold to function and maintain respect, but because mages are expected to react to orders near instinctively, nothing unnerves people more than a defiant mage, so much power in the unpredictable hands of man is quite a frightening prospect. Though in truth most mages don't teach it so dogmatically, it is something they must on some level pass on, as without mage passes the guild cannot receive any funding and will inevitably be disbanded, and a hold that is disbanded rarely sees all its members leave. It is a constant reminder for a magus that the future is in their hands and the Witch finders- are sure to remind them of it, especially to point out students who seem to have too much of a wild streak.  

Magi Trials

When mages are brought to a Hold, they are trailed by the council and the Witch finders, to see if they are material for the Hold, or if they should be brought to another or see the Arvilian.   Though their most common function is to judge their fellow mages, for reckless, irresponsible, or deadly and unlicensed magic use. The Witch finders are usually content to let such things remain internal affairs, only ever raising their voice if they feel gross neglect of the case or favoritism is taking place.  


Guilds are afforded payment passed on the grade of the Magi passes they can assign their wizards and the rank that these wizards have attained, an incentive towards excellence, but also the over important notion of control over magic. These passes are directly tied to a blood reliqua which is stored at the Hold to notify them spells are being cast. These passes metal medailions handed out, but are in fact mere trinkets to show officials, the real pass in an intriqute magical tattoo, bound to the relique to be able to track the mage.     Adamantine Pass: The caster is given the privilege to use their magic in any way they deem necessary and defendable before trial to achieve their assignments outside of the hold, and even to make judgment calls outside of their task when outside, again a severe action to take, and one the mage had better be able to explain, may live outside the hold.   Silver-Adamantine stamped Pass: the Caster is allowed to cast solely for the purpose of their assigned task, but given the privilege that they may in fact, live outside of the holds for extended periods of time.   Silver Pass: The caster may only perform their art when under direct supervision of a mage who is allowed to cast or a Witch finder   Bronze-Silver Stamped Pass: the caster is not allowed to perform their craft, but may live in the outside world. usually such passes are given to druids and undesirables who are deemed stable and trusted enough to exist without supervision or simply not a threat.   Bronze pass: Such mages must exist at all times within the hold, and are not allowed to leave. Such passes are usually temporary until they can regain a higher ranking, usually haver having been punished by a trail for reckless use of magic.


Each hold is completely independent of one another, behold instead to the region's lord and the 5 kings and the Order of the Hallow Blood, though some communication via magical means is by no means unheard of. A Hold has its own specialties in which they train their students, with a few holds being entirely dedicated to the rearing of sorcerers as they are generally considered too dangerous to teach amongst ordinary mages and also vastly different needs for prober training than wizards, not to mention mortality rate.   Each hold is controlled by a council of mages, which is supervised by the Order of the Hallow Blood and it's agents who are familiar with the mages, this council is drafted of the Magus Majori of each field which is studied. In typical fashion the titles of the mages and the holds are made from the teachings of the ancient tombes often plundered from elven ruins and is in fact old titles used by the elves.   Magus Majori Seniori Arch mages of their respected field, though technically a Magus Majori can also be an arch mage, the Seniori simply refers that they are the eldest or most experiences in their field at the given hold, and therefor members of the council.   Magus Majori Gifted and studious mages may one day become truly great mages of their fields, the magus majori are incredibly powerful and recognized mages of their field, respected by all their members and afforded great respect even by the Witch finders for their self control and power, and often employed on dangerous missions for their prowess.   While the Hold, such mages are expected to take on Novi and tutor them reach the best potential that they can.   Magi Recognized mages, who have a Magi-Pass which allows them to be able to practice their arts when on assignments and even on judgment call, though such a thing can of course be contested in court. Such mages have reached a point in their studies where they are expected to do their own research independently of their of their Magos tutor.   Astari Still very much so mages in training and live in tutelage under a Magus.   Novi Newly recruited, still living in communal holdings and taught collectively till they are assigned under a Magus.  


  Different universities, different schools, and specialties


The overall culture of the Holds change greatly depending on which hold it is, some are vibrant places of learning where familiarity and comfortability with one's powers are encouraged and explored with curiosity and comradery, after all the people within the hold may as well be family, they are all they will ever have. Other places are more careful in their approach seeing magic as science first studied and then carefully exercised in controlled conditions, professionalism is expected and encouraged. In darker places some might view themselves as inmates surrounding by criminals, others are   But with great certainty there is a disdain of the old arts, that is to say, druidic and shamanistic practices, such individuals will find a system hard-pressed to find fault with them and ensure they cannot gain practicing magi-passes. For it is seen as a barbaric act of a bygone era, though perhaps it also stems from the more common acceptance of their arts, where mages were hunted for centuries.

Precious & Certainty; These are our scales.

Alternative Names
Arcane Universities, The Arcane Acadamies, Mage Towers.
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations


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