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Order of the Hallow Blood

Founded by the Sinblood Hatharst in the early history of the league, often viewed as a tragic figure in Korvali history as Hartharst came from an influential family which was supposed tainted by elves during their reign of tyranny in the Korholm before the rise of Korvand, pledging his loyalty to the king he swore that he would root out all the elves and mages who fled the king's wrath.   The Witch Finders these days serve mainly to ensure that rogue magicians are rounded up and send to the academies or executed if they refuse. To the Witch, Finders magic is the greatest threat to League and it’s stability for the sheer power it can invest in a single individual who may not have the Leagues and its citizen's best wishes at heart.   Thus the Witchfinders track wayward wizards and elves before they can become a threat. Many of them having headquarters close to the larger elven confines to ensure regularly ensure they don’t get any ideas. Though in reality, their job is often murkier than that, witch-finders are to a degree what shields mages from the fear-mongering masses who still view mage with superstition and fear. For only a witchfinder may sentence a mage, and only a witchfinder may revoke a permit, and any mage sentenced or executed under law without the supervision of a witchfinder is hardly punished.   For though distrusted the state is in dire need of sanctioned mages, and the witch-finders are tasked with ensuring as many rogues as possible find their way to academies or the grave. And at the academies, it is the Witch Finders that oversee the security, both for the mages and the people. Though they are largely content with letting the mages govern themselves, and judge themselves, it is they who have the final word. This often-conflicting duty, makes many of the common men think the witchfinders do not do enough to curtail magic, while the mages think the witchfinders to harsh against them. Being left in a position of little choice, despite the often conflicting view on the necessity of magic within the order.

For those we cherish

Alternative Names
The Witch Finders
Witch Finder, Knights of the Hallow Blood, Knights Hallow.
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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