Welcome to Helsreach

"Everyone knows there's a war coming... it's about time." - High Marshall Velhan, of the Republic of Myr


Aleirun Colonies

The colonies are a long strip of territory along the Northwestern coast of the Reach, past the peaks of the Deqese Mountain Range. Its motherland lies far to the east and is hungry. She uses her daughter to exert influence over the other nations with ships that are second to none, the wealth to fund campaigns for years, and the bodies to do it.

The Holy Kingdom of Sirtza

Sirtza is the oldest military in the power and their history is soaked with blood. They have the most fertile land in the Reach. This drew conquerers from all over the region to fight for centuries. The best warriors rose up from this and were able to conquer the surrounding lands rapidly: these were the Sirtzites. They have a strict feudal system and an even more strict social structure. The King has the job of wrangling the various lords from their petty fights with each other in to actually working for the good of the nation. However, that doesn't stop the lords from fighting each other even in these grave times. When there isn't any fighting, that's when Sirtzites get nervous. Because that means someone is scheming something big.

Republic of Myr

Myr is another old power, but more balanced with trade and naval might. It is reffered to as the Jewel in the Brush on account of its beauty in an otherwise hostile land. There are exotic fruits, vegetables, and oils that anyone worldwide would want. Myr is the only functioning republic on a large scale on Helsreach, but you have to have served in the military in order to gain any say in the government. Ironically, being enslaved is a common punishment to most crimes. Ancient technology is scattered throughout their land and they have made some very interesting advancements with clockwork technology.


Kahirae is the rapidly growing economic power in the region. They are making a fortune selling spices, silks, and opioid poppies. They started coming into their own around 120 years ago after the various jungle tribes were united by the Baqtara, a group of 7 supremely powerful mages. Their cultures were erased, dissenters killed or exiled, and the loyal filled the new generations. Unprecedented prosperity has followed in recent years as their luxury goods bring in more wealth than they know what to do with. Surely, the greatest nation the Reach has ever seen deserves to be recognized as such by all.

The Concordants of Haiod

The Concordants run the largest city state in the Reach: Haiod. Haiod is an ancient city that is currently a center of master artisanry, learning, and wealth. Its 100 foot walls guard the only entrance and the Throat of the World screams with the wind. Haiod is run by the biggest guilds in the city and inhabitants have to deal with each guild's way of ruining their district.


Beshnom is more of a region than a nation. The native people have been caught in the middle of wars for as long as anyone can remember. Now, the most recent conflict they're caught up in is between Sirtza and Myr as a proxy battle between the two nations. The people are fairly scattered, broken up into their comunities and the only roads are ill-managed. The Sirtzites have been putting control over them and tasking them to grow spices and poppies with minimal protection. But they don't let that get them down. They're an incredibly friendly people who are welcoming to just about anyone. They've learned that weathering out the storm is the only thing one can do in situations like this.

Barbarian Tribes

Not a unified nation, but they are part of the region. They have been displaced form their homes in the Deqese Mountain Range because of the Skeeln. They have a bad reputation with just about everybody. Not much is known about them and they don't really have a stake in the larger scale politics. However, they've been moving farther down and pushing against the border of Northwestern Myr and Eastern Sirtza because of the Skeeln.

Political Map

Geography and Climate


The vast majority of the region is dominated by rolling, savanna grasslands. It's always hot, so there's not really any seasons besides the wet season and the dry season. The only exception being that, closer to the mountains that outline the northwestern and western ridges of the Reach, there are more temperate regions.

Near rivers you'll find marshland and farms all around as well as civilization close by. There's also a large swamp called The Mire towards the center of the region that is largely uninhabited by people.

Their southern border is marked by the Humming Dunes, a large desert that "hums" because of the strong winds that frequently blow through it.

Republic of Myr

Myr is divided nearly in half by a mountain range called Eisson Peaks. To the east of Eisson Peaks, there's some rocky plateau, but mostly it's rolling hills and plains pocked with villages and farmland. During the summer, it is hot and dry and the winter it is mild temperature with a moderate amount of rain. To the west of the mountains it is almost always wet and raining; the temperature ranges from warm to mild in the summer and cool to cold in the winter. The terrain on the west is a lot more rocky.

The northern border is outlined by hot, dry grass lands and then the Humming Dunes.


Khairae is a land of tropical monsoons and dense jungle. It is always hot and always wet no matter what time of year, but especially wet during the summer.

Khairae stretched out to Gleaming Run to their west and supposedly the border of Beshnom to the south, but they don't really have any control of what goes on in that dense of jungle. To the East, there's the Kairel Chanel.


Beshnom is dominated by evergreen trees, tall bushes, bamboo, and shrubs. It is hot and wet during the summer and warm to mild temperature with moderate rainfall in the winters.

The Clouded River runs slightly off to the right of the middle and the land surrounding it is marshy.

Aleirun Colonies

The Northwestern colonies are in a mild desert. It's almost always foggy, but there's not much actual precipitation. To the Southwest, the climate is a lot more temperate and there's fertile ground. The colonies themselves are just a long strip of land that was left mostly unoccupied to the Northwest of the Deqese.

Level of Importance

The geography and climate of the land is incredibly important. It informs how the powers of the land came to be, what places are hard to defend or attack, as well as the general economy. More practically, your adventurous travels are going to have to take the weather and geography in mind if you want to even make it to your destination without starving, dehydrating, or getting ambushed.

Topographical Map



Originally from Sirtza, the principles of Vowg is that the world is god itself. It allows its priests to become mages in order to develop the land better. They firmly believe in burial on holy ground being the only way to put their souls to rest. There aren't many formal tenents to the religion besides respecting the land and to give back to it to show your appreciation. This hasn't stopped priests from making their own rulings though. They believe that not only does the land provide them food, but it provides them their magic as well.

A Vowg priest can usually be identified by their bare feet on the hot savannah ground, their exceedingly long hair, minimalist robes, and purple quartz cut in a variety of shapes signifying their rank. Normal people who follow Vowg sometimes wear their hair longer and will send prayers by burning a written prayer and scattering the ashes to the wind. This means men will either ask their wives, sisters, female friends, or priests to write the prayers for them.


A denounced branch of Vowg, Evlogdesh followers (called Desheen) believe that God requires human sacrifices. This came about when a Vowg priest named Aeglia Paarsé wrote "Sanguine Earth". In it, he likens the mythical account of the Sanguine Day, where the sun rose blood red over the world, and how it was a sign from God. Fighting has been a tradition, but not killing a countryman. Yet, Paarsé suggested that bloodsport was not simply entertainment, but a needed sacrifice to honor their God. Paarsé wrote that the Ashfall was punishment for not doing as God had asked of his people. It garnered a lot of attention from people desperate to change the Ashfall as well as brigands since it gave them a moral excuse for their actions. After 15 years, Paarsé was found hanging from his priory in Gashémaar -- a warning. His brutal death was taken badly by his followers and they would challenge Sirtzite noblemen and priests who were rumored to have had a part in his death.

The Desheen are not simply crazed murderers, they have a strict code that they have to follow about what is an "honorable" kill that would be worthy of their God. Spilling blood is the most important part, so a lot of them also practice flagellation. They believe that they will be given favor in the afterlife and be able to save the ones they love. They even believe that they're saving the people that they kill. They've been driven out of Sirtza and most of them make their living as mercenaries. They are commonly found in Beshnom and Aleirun.


Mainly practiced by the Haiodzen. They believe that they're martyr, Kushef, sacrficed himself in order to protect them from the elves. He now watches over his children to continue protecting them even from beyond the grave. He's a god-like figure that exemplifies the natural attitudes of the Haiodzen.


Spirituality, animism, and shamanism are common throughout the world. Even elements of it are present in the religions established above.


Magic is as old as humanity itself. It's shaped their history and their fundamental beliefs about the world. It is also treacherous and can drive you mad with its insight and power.

How Does Magic Work?

Magic takes both your mana within your body as well as your physical energy. If you are out of physical energy, you can cast using your own life. Using magic isn't really creation so much as it is drawing upon Eaves to create the user's desired effect. Attuning to an Eave is usually easiest when one's personality lines up with it.

Three Laws of Magic

1. The Law of Contagion: Two things that have been in close contact are magically connected thereafter, particularly if they were formerly part of the same thing.

2. The Law of Sympathy: Things that look (or act) alike are alike, and can affect each other magically.

3. The Law of Sovereignty: More than one Eave can't be drawn upon at the same time.


They're places of power that mages use to create magical effects. No one knows for sure what they really are. Alternate dimensions, godly domains, different planes, etc. they are all on the table. What is known is that there are different kinds of Eaves that are separate from each other, but categorized into 5 different types so far.

  • Manse: A manse is where one draws upon to produce mind control, charming, as well as illusions. Some arcanists also think that it could be related to various empathy spells, but that's still a very heated debate.
  • Varix: Magic drawn from a varix usually produces direct damage. They're generally associated with the elements and force. However, Varicies have been noted to be able to construct objects as well as break them down to base components without any other effects.
  • Ameliore: Ameliores are used to imbue power within both creatures and objects. Some people have even figured out how to permanently seal effects within equipment. This power can be seen in the objects coming to life or to trap other effects of various Eaves. Counter-magic has been a popular theory that stems from the characteristics of Ameliores.
  • Promontory: Promontories are used to gather knowledge. Thaumatologist Bayaz confirmed 236 years ago that messaging magic uses the very same Eave. Most Promontory users report seeing a misty, white sea that stretches on past the horizon appearing in their dreams. This strange sea has been theorized to hold all knowledge and is used to transfer it to others.
  • Cause-way: Cause-ways are technically divided into 2 different categories themselves (Warrens and Folds), but this has only recently been discovered in the Incident of Savine1. Warrens are for travelling long distances and Folds are for instant teleportation.


  • Manuduction: The process of guiding the power from the Eave into the world.
  • Extemporization: The process of drawing upon forces other than the Eaves. Takes no energy, but it does have drastic effects on both body and mind.
  • Malleation: The effect of Extemporization. It can ran range from minor physical changes to severe, uncurable madness.
  • Radication: Purely theorhetical. Some arcanists speculate that it's possible to ascend to a state of godhood via permanently bypassing manuduction. However, to bypass manuduction, you'd have to draw from a different source. The only real precedent with this is with cormeum and that's only temporary.
  • Recalcitration: The process that happens when doing alchemy. Putting an object into an Eave and then it spitting out something different.

Unique Resources


The most mysterious and valuable resource to the people of Helsreach. The only resource that lets a mage bypass the law of manudction. It is light and thin like a wafer, but by no means delicate. It takes specialized tools to be able to shape it. It's made up of hexagons in a honeycomb pattern. It's used to boost magical power in various ways depending on how you consume it.

Cuts of Cormeum

Hex: A hex is just one thin piece.

Cor: A symmetrical piece of cormeum that is 7 hexes large.

Thaum: A symmetrical piece of cormeum that is 19 hexes large

Methods of Consuming Cormeum

Ingestion: It's possible to ingest a hex in order for normal people to cast simple spells with little to no risk.

Cor Slot: This is an opening -- similar to a fairly large coin slot in shape -- made in the forearm of a mage so that they can cast spells without expending their mana. You insert a cor into it in order for it to work.

Thaum Slot: Similar to the cor slot, a thaum slot is instead cut in the shape of a thaum on the side of the neck. This allows mages to cast spells with far more power than they should be able to without extemporization


Bein is the hardest rock on the planet. It surrounds a special metal called Eissonite. Bein is used in several siege engines due to the density and destructive power inherent. There's also restraints, dungeons, and prisons made out of it.


A strange metal that is capable of absorbing incredible force and still reforming back into the shape it was forged into. The combat application for this was obvious, nerarly impenetrable armor. However, some engineers have used it to create strange things called elevators using weights.

1: Savine, a bright, young mage tried to skip the walking section of a Warren using a Fold in the same casting to instantly appear on the other side of it. This has duplicated her, one at the start point one at the destination, but split her mind between them as well. No one has been able to duplicate this effect.

Quick List of Big Issues

  • The last eissonite smith has recently died, so there's a lot of powers that are in a mad dash to steal the armor from someone already wearing it.
  • Sirtza and Myr are fighting a proxy war in Beshnom that is rapidly getting more intense
  • Huge drought that is hitting the area and has been going on for 4 years
  • Skeeln raids are getting increasingly aggressive
  • Aleirun is putting a lot of trade pressure on the various nations: Myr is being incentivized not to trade for food, Sirtza is having heavy tariffs imposed on them as well as their trade ships being messed with, and Khairae is getting nice benefits from trading with them
  • Khairae as a rapidly growing economic power is making both Myr and Sirtza very nervous
  • Even experienced mages have been going mad recently


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Potential Origins
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