Event: Sahuagin Battle

The Scene

The Heroes for Hire, Local Branch are returning from Luskan to Deerborne, and during their trip down the coast they encounter a group of fishermen who have been attacked by 8 Sahuagin and a Sahuagin Priestess (evil mer-people).

The choice

The HFH can ask for payment for services, but the fishermen are very poor. If no payment is asked for, Aidron the Bronze Wrymling will remind everyone they are trying to run a business. If they do ask for payment, Alys will chastize Rhistel Faevyre for their Cold ethics.

If they Fight

The heroes for hire decided to fight the Sahuagin. It's an easy curb-stomp battle, especially with Rirlox and Aidron in tow. However, after the fight, Rirlox wants "something (25%)" in return for his participation (if they get payment)

If they don't Fight

Alys gets upset with Rhistel & co. about putting business first above people's lives. The fishermen are distraught, but lack any way to fight back themselves.


In the end, if the Sahuagin are defeated, the fishermen are appreciative
Plot type
Random Encounter
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Cover image: by IRPGuardian