Scene: The Arcane Brotherhood

The HFH decide to take a quick detour to visit the Arcane Brotherhood at their HQ, the Host tower of the Arcane.


The Host tower sits on its own island, but is connected via a bridge that passes by Tower Kurth. The guards by Tower Kurth usually don't bother folks traveling by, unless they're unacompanied. With the whole party (plus Rirlox and Aidron in tow) they'll be much more defensive.
When reaching the Host tower, a pair of normal looking folks (A wizard and a sorcerer) are stationed outside the main Door. Their main job is to turn away folks who don't have any business being there (which is most people) and will require some solid convincing (DC 20 persuation), an invitation letter, or some other official looking document before they will let you in to talk with anybody. After any unsuccessful interation, they use "Suggestion" to turn you away, go to One-Eyed Jax or some other tavern. Failing that, they refuse to talk anymore.

On success

If convinced, the guards let the players into the main hall of the Tower, telling them to "behave themselves."
From there, the party can talk to a receptionist, and eventually meet Maccath.
Completion Date
4 Nov 2023
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Cover image: by IRPGuardian