Quest: A Trip to Luskan


Triandal Qinrieth has been busy doing his own research. After getting his own letter from Livi Ansusho, he set out to find him in Luskan only to be too late. Livi was already killed by a trapped book, but Triandal is furiously combing over what is left of Livi's home to find answers to his original letter. Scared of the Spellbook, Triandal is still trying to piece together shredded documents from Livi's notes.


The HFH are at Luskan after Event: Run-in with Triandal, and have a few things they can do while they're here.
  1. Find out about Livi/Triandal
  2. Visit the Arcane Brotherhood
  3. Get mugged*
  4. Run in with Gineca the Half-Dragon Rogue/Crezorini the Half-Dragon Captain at some point.**
*-Only if random encounters roll for one
**-Force one of them to show up if not encountered after Livi/Brotherhood scenes

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Articles under Quest: A Trip to Luskan

Cover image: by IRPGuardian