Zephrum Coaltrain


Zephram was born into a wealthy and powerful family, known for their successful business endeavors in Heroes For Hire. From a young age, he was taught to value power and money above all else. Zephram quickly learned that the only way to maintain his family's status was through manipulation and deception. He was groomed to become a skilled negotiator and a master of contract law.
  As he grew older, Zephram became increasingly ruthless in his pursuit of wealth and power. He had no qualms about using any means necessary to achieve his goals, whether it meant blackmailing a competitor, bribing a public official, or even eliminating those who stood in his way.
  With Zephram now joining Heroes for Hire, he will surely quickly rise through the ranks, using his legal expertise to secure lucrative contracts for the company.
  Despite his lawful evil alignment, Zephram is loyal to Heroes for Hire, viewing the company's success as his own. He is always looking for ways to advance his own position within the organization, even if it means stepping on others to get there.

In the quiet village of Eldertop, nestled between rolling hills and ancient forests, Zephram's tale began. Eldertop was known for its serene beauty and harmonious coexistence between humans, elves, and dwarves.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Date of Birth
12 Flamerule
Year of Birth
1472 DR 24 Years old
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by IRPGuardian