The Chonky Donkey

A small, run-down drafty Inn offering shelter, but not much else. 1.5 Stars. The arrangement is 4 rooms with 4 beds each in a Hostel setting. Typically it's split between women and men, with the two extra rooms as "Other" for odd-sized or non-humanoid guests.
Looking past the tired woman behind the counter, a quick look around the room, you notice the amount of deferred maintenance is clearly on display. Paint is chipped, some of the beds sag from lack of non-broken beams, and the familiar, yet alien odors that eminate from the shared restroom down the hallway. Your glance also notices the doors also lack any type of locks on them.
Hostel Cost per bed
Single Bed 2sp
Hospitality, Hotel
Parent Location

Cover image: by IRPGuardian