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The Atlantean Viaduct

When it was decided that the cities of Venus would need to move in order to be comfortably habitable for the Atlanteans, they ran into yet another problem. Though the cities could manage to stay in the eventide range of the sun for days and even weeks, inevitably they ran into the big problem of simply running out of places to go. What began was the biggest project on Venus that had taken place since the construction of the planet's Great Machine. They began work on the Atlantean Viaduct.   The Atlantean Viaduct was to be a massive bridge that spanned from Nibiru to Kumari, but as construction began, they soon realized that a large singular bridge was simply too difficult to maintain. Instead, it was a wiser use of their time to construct four smaller bridges, though still megastructures in their own right, with smaller artificial islands constructed to support each of these bridges. As such, what began as one monumental project suddenly became seven smaller, yet still incredibly significant ventures.   The bridges are made of various stones and alloys, with pillars every few miles in between that massive miles long struts that support the bridge. Each bridge spans across the horizons, further than the eye can see, ending only so long to see the next bridge looming in the distance. Further more, as impressively long as each bridge is, it is also exceedingly wide. When originally constructed, the Atlantean's had planned for dozens if not hundreds of walking cities to be traversing the planet at the same time and they would all be needing to travel across the viaduct. Now days, the odd city traveling along the bridge may seem small in comparison to the sheer size of the viaduct, but as originally visioned, it would just be one amongst dozens.   In the event that something happened while a city was walking from one continent to another, small communities were established at the beginning and end of the bridges, as well as on each one of the islands between the four massive bridges. These communities, originally planned to be inhabited primarily by the Atlantean created races like the mehune, were built from the ground up with the idea for them to be supply and service stations. As such, each of them has smelteries and food production in the form of both agriculture and aquaculture. In the years since, these communities have managed to survive, but are not nearly as self-sustaining as they once were.   After years of construction, the Viaduct was finally completed. A marvel of engineering, it could withstand the steps of hundreds of cities for thousands of years. A similar bridge was being planned to reach from Agartha to Nibiru, but as the ground work was being established, the Priests were cut off from Atlantis. Without any Builders, such a monumental project was put on hold. When Ra arrived on the planet, the plans for a second bridge were scrapped entirely.
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