
crál acht (/kɾˠɑːɫ axt̪ˠ/ , beautiful people in Elven)   Eladrin are a special variation of the elves that have a deep and ancestral tie to the magical realm of the Feywild. Eladrin are incredibly rare to see in Hillit outside the misted isles since the boundaries between the material and the Feywild have been so rigid and strong. Recently, though, some Eladrin communities have managed to make their way through to the material in Llolani. They are wildly mysterious and magical.   Eladrin can manifest their natural magic as the passage of the seasons. Different seasons have incredibly layered aspects to them, such as personality, appearance, philosophy, and mannerisms. Very few non-eladrin understand the full meanings of the seasonal variations.   Eladrin, unlike other elves, have a fae soul.

Basic Information


As a variation of elf, eladrin have elfin features. They are bipedal, slender, have pointed ears, and delicate features. Beyond this, though, they stand out from other elves.   The eladrin nature defies most natural philosophical understanding due to how much the magic of the Faelands has infused them. This manifests with a body that reflects nature.   Many eladrin have hair that resembles leaves, grasses, branches, ferns, or other foliage. The skin texture can resemble smooth bark. The eyes reflect the light like calm lakes. The fingers are long and slender, delicately ending in a sharp nail. Their teeth are sharp and numerous.

Biological Traits

Eladrin are distinct due to their seasonal variations. An eladrin can reflect the seasons in their biology. Each of the seasonal attunements connects an eladrin to one of the seasonal archfae of the Fae court. This not only affects their bodies, but also affects their emotional state to better reflect the archfae.   Spring-attuned eladrin, known as úcád crál acht (/u:kɑːdʲ kɾˠɑːɫ axt̪ˠ/ , vernal beautiful people in Elven), are attuned to the archfae Aviv, the fae of spring. Their hair and skin resembles freshly grown grass, verdant green, young wood, and other spring foliage. Most naturally grow a corolla of fresh flowers.   Summer-attuned eladrin, known as úpéch crál acht (/u:pˠeːx kɾˠɑːɫ axt̪ˠ/ , summer beautiful people in Elven), are attuned to the archfae Kaitz, the fae of summer. Their hair and skin resemble golden wheat, shining grass, and other summertime foliage. Most naturally grow a corolla of golden flowers, like sunflowers or heleniums.   Fall-attuned eladrin, known as úgitiansea crál acht (/u:gɪˈtʲianʲʃa kɾˠɑːɫ axt̪ˠ/ , autumnal beautiful people in Elven), are attuned to the archfae Stav, the fae of autumn. Their hair and skin resembles red leaves, golden leaves, and other fall foliage. Most naturally grow a corolla of crimson maple leaves.   Winter-attuned eladrin, known as úcránn crál acht (/u:kɾˠɑːn̪ˠ kɾˠɑːɫ axt̪ˠ/ , winter beautiful people in Elven), are attuned to the archfae Horef, the fae of winter. Their hair and skin resemble blackened twigs, icecicles, and snow, and other winter staples. Most naturally grow a corolla of mistletoe.

Genetics and Reproduction

Eladrin, due to their fae soul, are unable to reproduce with any other variation of elf or any other sentient without incredibly powerful and dangerous magic. Eladrin are continual breeders, but have a low fertility rate compared to other species. A practicing eladrin couple can expect one child every 10-20 years.

Growth Rate & Stages

A healthy eladrin ages at a rate of about five times a healthy human. A typical eladrin could reach the following milestones:
  • Adolescence at year 65
  • Adulthood at year 90
  • Death from old age at year 375

Ecology and Habitats

Eladrin flourish in lands rich with deciduous forests and woodlands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Eladrin are omnivores who favor fresh hunted meat and freshly plucked vegetable matter.

Biological Cycle

Eladrin are sensitive to the seasonal cycles of the environment around them. If they are not careful, their moods and natures can reflect the season they are present in.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Eladrin faces tend to have high cheakbones, arched and delicate eyebrows, and long noses.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Within the United Halla Alliance, eladrin are almost entirely in the safety of Llolani.
eladrin distribution.PNG

Average Intelligence

Eladrin are clever, fickle, and wildly emotional.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like other elves, eladrin have very sensitive eyes and ears.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Eladrin depend strongly on the magic and favor of the Fae court to survive. The magic that infuses their being originates from and reflects the archfae.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
375 years
Average Height
Males are typically 5.6 fl. Females are typically 5.1 fl.
Average Weight
Eladrin do not vary much in weight and are fairly light, with a decent range of 6 ki to 12 ki (95 lbs - 190 lbs).
Average Physique
Eladrin tend to have a lean and slender physique.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Eladrin skin tone reflects their seasonal atunement. Spring tends to be verdant green, summer a vibrant gold, fall a warm crimson, and winter a cold blue.
Geographic Distribution


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