
A lifesmith, also known as a vivanta forĝisto or dwasg noibʊrbo, is a smith and artificer specialized in utilizing living metal and enchanting metal directly.



The true lifesmith title "dwasg noibʊrbo" is only bestowed in Dakurakol to a member of the unibʊrbo pend drgard caste.   In order for a Dakurakolan to be marked as a lifesmith, they must be recognized after their formal training by a unithel pend drgard scholar after a citizen completes their full formal education. A scholar searches for a few traits, including
  • Aptitude with mysticism
  • A spiritual alignment with metal and community
  • A prodigious ability to shape metal
When a graduate is identified, they undergo a secret test to prove that they are worthy of being a lifesmith.   Alternatively, a Dakurakolan can prove themselves to the caste by presenting an independent piece of metal artifice to the unibʊrbo pend drgard elders. If it is sufficiently impressive, ingenious, or clever, the craftsman can be welcomed to the caste and given the lifesmith title.   There are amateur lifesmiths who work outside of the formal Dakurakolan institution. While they did not earn the title of dwasg noibʊrbo, they still train and study metal artifice and how to work with living metal.

Career Progression


An apprentice dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmith is fresh out of their general education in Dakurakol. After receiving their title and caste position, a Dakurakolan will be assigned to a grandmaster's smithy to continue there training. There, they will work directly under a journeyman, who works under a master, who works under the grandmaster.   An apprentice studies artifice theory and assists in living metal smithing. They are often given minor artifice tasks, but their main job is to observe, assist, and learn.   When an apprentice is able to craft a "journeywork" smithed item (a piece of artifice of high quality), they are promoted to journeyman. This can take anywhere from five to fifteen years.  


A journeyman dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmith has established themselves as a reliable smith and are allowed to craft most minor orders without direct supervision. The journeymen supervise the day-to-day tasks of apprentices, easier artifice tasks, and bulk orders. A journeyman's job is to hone their craft and grow as a smith.   When a journeyman is able to craft a "masterwork" smithed item (a piece of artifice of very high quality), they are promoted to master by a council of at least five existing masters. This can take anywhere from ten to thirty years.  


A master dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmith has proven themselves as an expert in their craft. They oversee an entire smithy, handle delicate tasks, and teach apprentices and journeymen techniques. Most lifesmiths will only get this far in the dwasg noibʊrbo career.   Master dwasg noibʊrbo are able to handle delicate, difficult, or challenging tasks unlike any other smith in Dakurakol.   When a master produces a piece of inscrutable quality, inventive artifice, and expertly handled living metal, they can present the piece to existing grandmasters. If the grandmasters agree that it is truly a new contribution to the craft and shows uncanny cleverness, the master can be bestowed the title of grandmaster. A Dakurakolan can be a master for decades before their work is proven to be worthy of the grandmaster title.  


The revered grandmaster dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmith have a nearly flawless reputation as the best of the best, true experts and inventive creators of living metal artifice. There are very few grandmasters and they oversee many smithies simultaneously. Their job involves guiding major projects to better Dakurakol, inventing entirely new mechanisms and artifice, and guiding masters under their organization.

Payment & Reimbursement


Apprentices are giving room and board in the boarding house adjacent to their smithy, as well as a monthly stipend of coin. In addition, apprentices earn a small amount of commission on the tasks they participate on and help complete. An apprentice dwasg noibʊrbo can expect to make about 40-60 gold pieces each month in coinage and equivalent products (room, board, tools, etc.).  


Journeymen are given apartments as part of their job as well as a monthly stipend. In addition, journeymen earn a decent amount of commission on tasks they and their apprentices complete. A journeyman dwasg noibʊrbo can expect to make about 90 - 120 gold pieces each month in coinage and equivalent products (room, board, tools, etc.).  


Masters are given estates as part of their job as well as a monthly stipend. In addition, masters are given a respectable commission on any task, order, and work their smithy completes. A master dwasg noibʊrbo can expect to make about 200 - 300 gold pieces each month in coinage and equivalent products (room, board, tools, etc.).  


Grandmasters are given a lavish estate as part of their job and rank as well as a monthly stipend. In addition, grandmasters earn money based on their smithies and the work they complete. A grandmaster dwasg noibʊrbo can expect to make about 400 - 600 gold pieces each month in coinage and equivalent products (room, board, tools, etc.).

Other Benefits

A dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmith is a highly respected memeber of Dakurakolan society. The services they provide mark them as heroes in Dakurakol and they are often revered as such.



The lifesmith's duty is to create enchanted products for Dakurakol and its citizenry. In addition, as a lifesmith proves their skill, they are expected to work on inventive products.   Lifesmiths also maintain enchantments, many of which are crucial to the continued existence of Dakurakol.

Social Status

Dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmiths are highly respected.


Very few dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmiths are currently living. There are about 400 apprentices, 100 journeymen, 50 masters, and 7 grandmasters. A major smithy in Chroma was destroyed in a horrible explosion in Dakurakol about seven years ago, killing a significant population of dwasg noibʊrbo (about 80 apprentices, 20 journeymen, 3 masters, and a grandmaster), which has lead to a shortage. There are whispers in Dakurakol that the explosion was sabotage, but the saboteur's motive and origin varies in the tale.


The first dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmith was a dwarf thousands of years ago who heard a song ringing in a piece of meteorite found at the bottom of the ocean. By working with it, she was able to inscribe magic into it with her breath and founded the living metal artifice. For a long time, dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmiths were expected to create quality of life improvements of higher castes. About three hundred years ago, just before the release of magic, a dwarven dwasg noibʊrbo was able to invent a new technology with the algae farms, which allowed an unprecedented boost in dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmith popularity and the elevation of the unibʊrbo pend drgard caste above the unithag pend drgard caste.



An apprentice dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmith is given a set of smithing tools enchanted to work with living metal. A journeyman dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmith is expected to craft their set of tools made of living metal, often orichalcum or adamantium, as part of their promotion. These are used for the entire smith's life and are a symbol of their status.


A dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmith is expected to work with any metal given to them, including copper, bronze, tin, gold, silver, electrum, platinum, and so on. They are also expected to be proficient and skilled at working with the rare living metals.


Dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmiths work in massive smithies fitted with numerous forges, workstations, and refineries known as besw rhillasg (/ˈbeːsuː r̥iːˈɬasg/ , living forge in Modern Dwarven). Living metal is only refined within a lifesmith smithery or by a skilled lifesmith.

Provided Services

A dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmith makes any metalcraft that needs enchantment in Dakurakol, including jewelry, weaponry, armor, and technology. A commission can be made at any besw rhillasg smithy for a product, or their regular products can be purchased at licensed Dakurakolan stores.

Dangers & Hazards

It is dangerous to be a smith in the most mundane of smithies. Hot metal can easily burn, fumes can easily scar lungs, and a mishandled forge can easily rupture. A dwasg noibʊrbo lifesmith handles all of these dangers and more, for they fold magic into metal and breath enchantment into runes. A single mishandled manifestation of quintessence can cause a catastrophic event and burst of unintentional magic.
Alternative Names
vivanta forĝisto, dwasg noibʊrbo
Skilled lifesmiths are always welcomed and in demand.
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