Traditional Schools of Magic and Magical Effects

There are a variety of schools of magic that are used to classify and categorize spellcasting in Hillit. Different schools generate different amounts of the quintessential corruption known as malpuro kvinesenco.

Schools of Magic


Low malpuro kvinesenco generation   Abjuration magic specializes in magical effects that blocks, banishes, protects, or dispels. It is a common belief that abjuration magic is reactive and about denial, but a specialist will insist otherwise. Abjuration magic is distinct not only for its protective effects, but for the power it has over how quintessence can be wielded. Abjuration magic has been shown to restore the veil between worlds and planes, which can be damaged with large amount of malpuro kvinesenco generation or conjuration magic. Abjuration magic also has the ability to unravel spell effects and even generate fields of antimagic, where no magical effect or manifestation of quintessence can occur.   These specialized effects mark abjuration magic as a popular choice of magic for neviditajologists.  


High malpuro kvinesenco generation   Conjuration magic specializes in three broad categories (transportation, planar travel, and creation), but a specialist will tell you they all have the same fundamental mechanic. Conjuration magic allows a wielder to reach across the boundaries of planes and either bring something here, send something there, or grab the raw materials of creation from the inner planes to structure it as an object. Conjuration deals heavily with ĉielogy, which is the study of the planes.   For virtually all conjuration magic, a small tear is made in the natural boundary between the planes of reality. This tear allows the magic to reach through and bridge the planes, even if only for a split moment. Summoning intelligent beings is a dangerous feat, even for an expert conjurer. There is always a chance that the summoning will allow something unintentional to hitch a ride into reality. Most magic mitigates these chances, but there is always a possibility.   In addition, the rending of the veils means repeated conjuration magic can damage the natural separation between planes. Abjurers can often work on repairing the damage, but it is a dangerous consequence of conjuration magic.  


Low malpuro kvinesenco generation   Divination magic specializes in knowledge. It is a special school, for it allows information to be the product rather than a flashy effect. Most divination magic helps identify and classify phenomenon, effects, or entities for the wielder. Some powerful magic even allows the continual transmission of information, such as scrying. The most fabled divination magic allows the wielder to receive glimpses of the past and hints about possible futures. Most of these spells query an attendant or entity who knows the information, usually in the Celestial Library.   Prophesies are rare, but powerful forces, and they are the epitome of the divination art. Very few beings have received a true prophesy, and fewer still know how to interpret it. This is usually for the best, for there are true dangers in knowing a prophesy. Prophesies describe possible futures to an astounding degree of accuracy and guidance, but the knowledge comes with a cost. If a sentient is involved with the prophesy and knows of it, their agency to choose a prophetic path collapses and they find themselves trapped by destiny. Ignorance allows freedom of choice, knowledge burdens.  


Medium malpuro kvinesenco generation   Enchantment magic specializes in manipulating and understanding the many facets of a mind. It is a controversial school in modern arcanist traditions -- there are growing social pressures to better honor the autonomy of the mind. Older traditions treat it with respect and gravitas since a skilled enchanter can end conflict and strife without harming a single person.   Enchantment magic is heavily regulated in the United Halla Alliance. A licensed enchantment user can utilize their magic to help end conflict, calm raging hearts, and even heal mental wounds that otherwise fester. An unlicensed enchantment user can manipulate the mind for more nefarious purposes -- charm and cheat people, suggest weaknesses in securities, or even wholly dominate a sentient's free will. Enchanters are often feared due to the implications of their magic and how easy it is for an enchanter to go dark.  


Low malpuro kvinesenco generation   Evocation magic is similar in some ways to conjuration magic -- it can connect to primeval forces of reality and manifest them. Instead of reaching across planes, though, evocation draws its magic from the raw construction of reality. As the prime material is birthed from the storm of creation, it holds echoes and aspects of any element an evoker could ever want.   Because it touches on the raw and often simple aspects of reality, evocation magic has a surprisingly small malpuro kvinesenco footprint. However, its tendancy to produce lethal effects have inspired a small level of fear in the common populations.  


Medium malpuro kvinesenco generation   Illusion magic features visual, auditory, olfactory, and other sensory effects as a primary manfiestation. Many illusionists are popular for theatrical productions and events -- their wondrous displays are difficult to beat using other schools of magic. However, the amount of trickery illusion magic allows makes many legal officials and guardians of order cautious, to say the least. An invisible thief or a spy in a glamour are difficult to identify without more magic.  


High malpuro kvinesenco generation   Necromancy is likely the most reviled school of magic across the majority of Hillit. Pure necromancy explores the nature of life, death, rebirth, and all metaphysical forces contained within (souls, spirits, and the like). However, necromancy is infamous for its corruption by a legendary figure known as The First Defiler -- the progenitor of undead.   Undead have been a scourge on Hillit for thousands of years -- since the age of myth. It is not uncommon for an unattended corpse to form some sort of undead entity, usually a corporeal and fairly mindless one. Because of this, there are numerous rites and rituals to mitigate the chance a death leads to an undeath. It is seen as a horrific and deeply taboo desecration of the cycle of life and death, which is deeply sacred. An undead-dealing necromancer or mage is shunned, if not outright attacked by most sentients (if they think they could win in a fight).   Much of the academically accepted necromancy is tied to a purely theoretical understanding of the true nature of life, death, and the soul. This is the heart of the study of animology and is a bit of a contentious field in some academic circles.  


Low malpuro kvinesenco generation   Onomancy is a barely understood field of magic dealing with the true names of creatures, sentients, phenomenon, and other entities. Very few beings are capable of wielding onomancy.   Onomancy is one hypothesized route to apotheosis -- if a wielder knows all of the true names for each aspect of their self, they could potentially understand their true nature on a level that rivals the greatest gurus and sages. The right phrase and comprehension behind it might unlock a route to divinity, or at least remarkable personal growth.  


High malpuro kvinesenco generation   Transmutation magic specializes in the transformation of materials and energy into other or new forms. At its most foundational level, transmutation magic can shift raw materials and change their properties. It is best practices on nonliving stuff -- a living creature, when mistransmuted, can suffer grievously.   Transmutation magic on living beings offers a dangerous consequence. According to animologists, the mind is but a plaything of the body. Transmutation magics, like the polymorph spell or a druid's wildshape ability, can leave lasting mental impressions of their previous forms. If left long enough in a new body, a wielder might forget their true self and remain trapped. Even after a transmutation is resolved, imprints and characteristics of an unnatural form will subtly shape a mind.

Magical Effects

Teleportation and Transposition

Teleportation and transportation magic is a very popular usage of conjuration magic. Originally, all teleportation magic used the ethereal plane as a method of transportation. This meant certain effects in the prime material of reality, such as a wall of force, could effectively block it.   Areas around stable gateways or teleportation circles produce copious amounts of malpuro kvinesenco. To help preserve the caelus materia field around these manifestations, many arcanists will try to encourage raw quintessence crystal structures and sacred tree gardens.  

Healing Magic

Healing magic is a beloved and well-respected magic in Hillit. Injuries are rarely welcome, so a swift manifestation of magic to patch it up can keep a person going and reduce convalescence time.   However, healing magic is not absolute. Most spells that can heal someone, like cure wounds or healing word, will stop open bleeding and temporarily seal an open wound long enough for the body (or, preferably, a trained medica) to tend to it in a more serious manner. In addition, it is highly recommended to train a mage who uses healing magic in basic medical techniques. If healing magic is ill-applied, it can cause flesh to overheal and form hypertrophic scar tissue. In rare cases, cancerous masses that will grow well after the magical effect can appear in the body.   There are other variations of healing magic, like the restoration spells. Lesser restoration can heal any mundane disease, poison, or a variety of ailments. There are some limitations to this type of magic. Magical diseases laced with curses or other nefarious arcanum, such as lycanthropy, cannot be cleansed with an application of lesser restoration. These curses must instead be contained. Other ailments, such as temporary blindness or deafness, can be cleansed from the body. However, if an injury was severe enough to blind or deafen someone, restoration magic will rarely work on restoring the senses. This can include losing eyes or the ears filling with scar tissue. Some conditions, like most cancers, are unable to be cleansed with restoration magic. In addition, cleansing a mundane disease does not bestow immunity towards it, which means the patient could contract it again.   Some of the greatest healing magic is regeneration magic. This magic can regrow skin without scarring, limbs with full mobility, or even missing organs like eyes or damaged stomachs. It is difficult to fully apply (it requires a thorough understanding of the body being regenerated), but the effects are miraculous.  

Resurrection Magic

Resurrection magic is the pinnacle of the healing arts. There are a few examples of magic that can bring back a person to life, but they have different natures.   The most accessible spell is revivify, which requires the person to have died within the last five decatosoros or so (about 1 minute). This is because the soul has yet to fully leave the body at this point and it can be drawn back into its mortal form.   A spell like raise dead, resurrection, reincarnate, or true resurrection calls back the soul from the cycle of life and death and back into a mortal body. This level of magic is often more taboo compared to revivify. The journey of life, death, and rebirth is sacred across Hillit, so magic that disrupts this is seen as hubris against the gods and dangerously close to undead-colored necromancy. If the soul has departed longer than 1 year, it is typically assigned a new body to inhabit. Resurrection magic at this point can actually kill the new life in its attempt to draw back the soul.   There is often some amount of the original body that needs to remain. Reincarnate, for example, requires a "piece of a dead humanoid". Most druids will agree that, for a successful reincarnation, it needs to be a piece that is a few tenths of a frul (a few inches) long and often solid. Blood and hair make poor conduits for this -- bone and flesh are best. True resurrection can form a new body when the creature's name is called. To help prevent ambiguity, it is recommended to know at least two true names of a creature when using this method. Otherwise, something else might answer the call.   The gentle repose spell is a common spell to help preserve a body for resurrection magic. If the soul has yet to fully depart (about 5 thuros), the soul is tethered to the body as part of the magic. This allows revivify to still act upon it.  


Familiars are a popular and often adored aspect of being a trained arcanist. Almost all wizards pick up the find familiar spell in their career so that they can have a magical, intelligent pet alongside them. Recently, though, a minority of ĉielogists have begun to question the nature of familiars. Why are fae and dæmons so willing to be our familiars? Most arcanists dismiss this dissent -- familiars are a time-honored tradition.   Almost all familiars are bound fae or dæmonic spirits that possess an animal. The ritual calls the newly possessed creature to the arcanist and is fiercely loyal to them. With a snap of the arcanist's fingers, the familiar can be temporarily displaced into the ethereal plane and follow their arcanist, waiting to be called back. A recasting of the find familiar spell will allow an arcanist to dictate a new form for their fae or dæmonic spirit to possess.   Arcanists who abuse their familiar have reported fae or dæmons hunting them down.  

Ancient Magic

Ancient magic is a rare and mysterious classification of spells. It cannot be learned traditionally (leveling, for example). Instead, ancient magic is earned by discovering it or being blessed with it throughout an adventure in Hillit.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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