The Federation of Heaven

The 5 houses formed during the The Great Strife of Asmodeus were: House Balth for Saint Balthazar and those that followed him; House Grachi formed after the war by Lord Grachiakh in honor of Saint Balthazar; House Tolani by Hrothlan Tolani vowing to uphold the kinship between his allies; House Hlethllwyn founded by King Sattrakarl on the promise that all races would be heard and equal; and House Tralla pledging to be an ally, even after death. The 5 houses were built to form lasting alliances between all the peoples of the world that would listen to the vows of allies, and most importantly, to guard the world from the devils and demons below. Alone, the houses are simply known as a "Great House", but together they are known as "The Federation of Heaven".