Blue Wall

The site occupied by the city of Blue Wall was settled prior to 3000 BDR by Grey Elves. It sits on the banks of mighty Sin River in the incredibly fertile Llanowar valley that runs for nearlly 900 kms. The area is frequently contested by peoples and monsters of Yavimaya and the Radiant Coast.   The Grey Elves abandoned the site by 500 DR with no historical record of them after this date. The site fell into disrepair with many monsters and hominids occupying it until 950 DR when a united force of human clans drove out the largest and strongest of all Orc tribes from the Yavimaya, the Thunder Club Orcs after destroying them in a running series of pitched battles that also saw the destruction of three quarters of all human clans involved.   Blue Wall slowly attracted the remnant human clans along the Yavimaya borderlands and has now developed into an important frontier city on the Radiant Coast being the first major city accessed by travellers using the southern Yavimayan overland trading routes. The few remaining Grey Elf structures have been turned into residences of the Blue Wall elite.   Run as an oligarchy, Blue Wall now controls large area around it and is the strongest settlement in the Llanowar Valley. Not a kingdom as such, Blue Wall is a centrepoint for trade and mutal defence for all who live in the Llanowar Valley.

Demography and Population

City - 30,000
Controlled surrounds - 200,000
Valley inhabitants welcome - 500,000 humans; 50,000 elves; 50,000 dwarves

Village near Blue Wall
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Free City
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Mixed economy


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