Port of Seas

  • The adorable city state where it all began for the BMG
  • Ruled by a small number of extremely wealthy families, foremost among them the Eventides, the Port of Seas is ostensibly a republic in the sense that the most wealthy and prestigious of citizens are allowed voting rights in a general assembly.
  • On the south-eastern tip of the Radiant Coast, the Port of Seas has prospered as a final port before the long crossing of the Endless Sea to Daerun far to the east, or to the other Radiant Coast city-states to the north
  • The Port of Seas was once a small Sarpadian Empire outpost. After the collapse of the Sarpadian Empire, the few Sarpaidan citizens who escaped destruction merged with the locals to build the city
  • Close to the Witch Wood and the Cymbion Crossing, the Port of Seas attracts a good number of adventurers to its surrounds.
  • While not officially a vassal state of Gramidern to the north, the Port of Seas has been in lockstep politically with its far larger neighbour for a number of decades
Prominent former citizens

Demography and Population

  1. Population 25,000 city
  2. Population 750,000 state
  3. Humans 85%
  4. Elves 10%
  5. Halfings, Gnomes, Dwarves 1.5% each
  6. Other hominds 0.5%


  • small standing army under the control of the Central Court numbering 1,000
  • small navy under control of the Central Court numbering 3,000 people and 50 ships to call upon
  • standing men at arms of 3,000 across the remainder of the city-state
  • frequently relies on mercenaries and sects as defence

Foreign Relations

  • Allied by treaty to Gramider, Wolves Reach, Blue Wall and Xander Tor

From the bottom looking up
Geopolitical, City-state
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Market economy
As a city reliant on merchants crossing vast distances, Port of Seas has no currency of their own but relies on s astandard weight of silver in the coins brought witin its borders


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