
Ulger is one of the Radiant Coast kingdoms. The name is a ancient trader term meaning "border people". Ulger dominates the area between Gramidern and Wolves Reach and until recently was the dominant Radiant Coast nation but has gone into decline with the rise of its 2 neighbours expanding quickly into adjoining territory.   Ulger is centred on the valley of the River Gytha and its tributaries, in the region now known as the Radiant Fens. The court moves around the kingdom with no fixed capital city.   According to the official histories, Ulger was first established as a kingdom by a marriage between the prince of a local warlord and the daughter of a chieftain of the emigrating Chondathans from across the Endless Ocean,   For 200 years (1200 - 1410), Ulger annexed or gained submissions from five of the then six kingdoms of the Radiant Coast (Wolves Reach, Gramidern, Port of Seas, Eisengrim and the former nation of Eventide). This period is known as the Ulgerian Supremacy. The reign of King Affan was the high point with all Radiant Coast realms paying tribute to Ulger at least once during his reign. This was the closest that the Radiant Coast nations have ever come to being untied under one ruler.   Following the invasions of the Splitting Orc Horde (1397) and the Broad Orc Horde (1400), combined with diplomatic mismanagement, Ulger lost its grip on power within a generation.   The current Mercian Queen Cimoni Jas, ascended to power in 1473 after her husband disappeared while sailing the Leviathan Ocean.  Currently Ulger is only one player among many on the Radiant Coast.

Demography and Population

Humans - 750,000
Elves - 10,000
Halflings - 30,000

Stand firm and strike hard

Queen Cimoni Jas
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy


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