Wolves Reach

Wolves Reach is the northernmost of the Radiant Sea kingdoms. Within the cold, wind blown kingdom of Wolves Reach there are 33 baronies that form the Royal Council of Wolves Reach and who elect a new king or queen every 10 years. No one barony is allowed to have more than 2 successive monarchs hold office.   To the west, Wolves Reach borders a powerful elven confederation, the southwest are the Falcon Hold Mountains and to the south it borders the realms of Blue Wall and Orion.   Historically, Wolves Reach was populated by a small nomadic human population and mostly wilderness. With the emigration of the Chondathans from Faerun in 800 to the southrn and central parts of the radiant Coast, many endemic human clans migrated northwards. The "33 tribes" united and formed the State of Wolves Reach in 970.   By surface area, Wolves Reach is the largest of the Radiant Coast realms and features many supernatural and historical features such as Hecates Advent, the Illithid Pits encountered by the BMG, the Dead Lands and the Colossus of Mathilda.

Demography and Population

Human - 1,250,000
Elven - 25,000
Dwarven - 100,000
Gnome - 5,000
Halfling - 5,000

Eternally Us

Gates to the Wolves Citadel
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Economic System
Mixed economy


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