Coeraian Empire

The Coeraian Empire formed up when Sesar I conquered 4 major city-states on the far west coast of the Inner Odontoceti Sea in 800. From there, Sesar I and his successors pushed north and east, clashing with the Jamamari Principalities and Pasishti Nomads. By 1000, the Coeraian Empire was at its greatest extent controlled much of the Inner Odontoceti and surrounding lands, from Kargan in the north to Hypostocene in the south. The jewels in the crown of the Coeraian Empire were the ancient Grey Elf city Porpentine, Sykes among the Kurgan City States and the capital Zagrea.   Within a century continuous pressure from Talinessee in the north-west, an increase in the number and intensity of Pasishti raiders and upswing in pressure from different Hobgoblin Legions saw Coeraia begin to cede ground.   Clumsy diplomatic efforts and ineffective counterstrikes to stop Pasishta raiding drew the attention of Jumulka Khan who despite being involved in an ongoing war with the Northern and Western Talin Dynasties turned his attention to the Coeraian Empire. It took less than 5 years for the core Coeraian cities to be occupied or destroyed by the Helegu and their allies. Resistance led by the former Emperor’s grandchildren would continue for a further 20 years until the final hold out of Sykes surrendered and the remaining loyalists either fled into exile or were executed by the Helegu.   Initially territory was divided among the Hobgoblin Legions, the Helegu and even the Talinessee. Over the next century, the Helegu consolidated all their territories into the Khaganate and the last institutions of the Coeraian Empire were swept away.

Sykes was the final Coeraian stronghold before surrendering in 1100

800 - 1190

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Successor Organization
Neighboring Nations


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