East Saturn Dwarves

The Dwarven Kingdoms of Karkoram, Darnulir, Kurwuhrum, Halborimm and Gurnbadihr all form what is known as the Eastern Saturn Dwarves.  All individual kingdoms, the stretch across the eastern escarpemnt of the Saturn Mountains.  Not formally allied, these kingdoms do trade with and conduct diplomatic relations with neighbouring realms.   Small in size, the current political situation has been in place for the last century since the fall of the kingdom of Khukdrumi to an Orc Horde.  The refugees from the fall of Khukdrumi were absorbed by the other East Saturn Swarves or the Kingdom of Jorentes.    The East Saturn Dwarves are simultaneously their own kingdoms while existing entirely within the above ground borders of the Kingdom of Jorentes.  The land claimed by Jorentes and the Dwarves is managed through a series of agreements, with different cross-sectional zones having different political control.
One of the many checkpoints controlling trade between Jorentes and the East Saturn Dwarves.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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