Torobor Nations

The Torobor Nations, also known as the Torobor Dwarves are the dominant dwarven clans of the Southern Saturn Mountains. The famous underground Erotas River runs through large sections of the Torobor Nations, providing a secure source of fresh water, with many of the first dwarven clans constructing their underground fortresses around access points to the river.   There are few natural caverns leading into the underdark and natural exits to the surface world, all of which are heavily defended by the Torobor. Additionally most of these natural surface access points are at heights above 1km above the surface. These natural defenses have worked to Torobor's advantage and once the Nations unified 800 years ago, worked to protect them from sacking and invasion.   An endless series of internecine wars started between resident clans and clans migrating into the Southern Saturn Mountains more than 2,500 years ago. Combined with pressure from hostile dwellers in the underdark, and raids from Orcs and humans, it wasn't until the Third Mithril War where many of the dwarven clans signed the treaty of Torobor and became loosely affliated as the Torobor Nations, that encroachment from outside forces was systematically and decisively pushed back. Over a period of twenty years of countless attack/counter attack, Torobor Nations established a perimeter that would be largely unchanged for another 400 years.   Once established as a regional power, the Torobor Nations have expanded to include surface dwellers under its treaty as allied people. During the following centuries, Torobor's reputation as a land-fighting force was unequalled. At its peak around 1000 DR, Torobor had a standing army of 35,000 citizens, plus the ability to call up some 360,000 additional troops in weeks if needed.   A long series of events covering internal conflict, plague, social upheavels, supernatural outbreaks, failing defensive infrastructure, Duegar guerilla war, an uptick in humanoid and Giant led migration/invasion, conflicts with non-Torobor dwarves, insular politics and weakened homind allies, when the final Helegu surge eastward finally crashed into the Torobor Nations, a weakened Torobor fought what would be known as the Long Siege. Helegu forces, comprised laregly of Hobgoblin Legions, tributary Dwarven armies from the west, Fire Giant shock troops and other subject nations conducted a decades long siege on the major entry fortresses. Making use of the tens of thousands of kilometres of underground caves and highways, initially the Torobor Dwarves were able to supply and reinforce the sieged fortresses. As the Long Siege dragged on, the Helegu used magical and mundane means to slowly suffocate much needed supplies, which at one point included the temporary poisining of much of the Erotas River. Forced to terms, the Torobor Nations and the Helegu (who were also too far extended to continue), signed the Axehorn Accord where the Helegu retreated in exchange for an annual tribute from Torobor to avoid status as a client state.   80 years ago, the Torobor Nations decisively defeated the forces of the Silver Helegu (largely comprised of Hobgoblin and Fire Giant mercenaries) and cast off their crippling annual tribute to the Helegu.   While much weakened compared to its height of power nearlly 500 years ago, the Torobor Nations are once again exerting their power and influence on the outside world.
Underground Axehorn Fortress

Throgor Ashenhammer, Torobor Nations Warmaster

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