
Led by Grand Marshall Rartuck Deathband the Ojasi Orcs control a vast sway of territory, exacting tribute across a large area in the cold north. They are well known and feared elite mercenaries and have worked across the world.   The Ojasi were responsible for the destruction of the Ravenholft dwarves.   The Blue Host   The Ojasi are currently in the pay of the Blue Host Khanate and and constructing an Orc Horde in the Yavimaya, east of Jorentes and west of the Radiant Coast.   They are arranging by force, bribery, gifts and promises peace treaties among the larger Orc tribes of the Yavimaya. Included in the treaties are allowances of the migration of the other Orc tribes if they’re travelling under the seal of the Ojasi.   The Ojasi plan to direct the Yavimaya Orcs is as follows:
  • strike at the eastern flank of the Jorentes Kingdom, disrupt trade & travel through the Yavimayan Forest, raid into Jinserric territories, burn the estates of any Steelhold City-States that support Jorentes or seize ports on the Azul Sea coast.
  • not strike directly at any Radiant Coast nation, but to draw any mereging armies deep into the Yavimaya before engaging them, not in pitched battle but by an endless series of raids.
  • at the agreed time with the Blue host form the Orc horde and assault the upper reaches of the Dwarven Kingdoms of Karkoram, Darnulir, Kurwuhrum, Halborimm and Gurnbadihr (all who are allied to Jorentes).
Most of the Clan Chiefs have been promised the title of War Chieftain; the Ojasi have yet to decide who they will elevate to that position, but will make a strategic decision at the time.   Viceroy Diban Tilbu name is on the titles presented to the Ojasi; he is the highest advisor to the Jumulka Khan of the Blue Host   Ojasi leadership in Yavimaya   Set up base in the ruins of Cyolonore:
  • Field Marshall Durob Guralar
  • High Constable Uzgmmok Uzgafim (keeping and maintenance of armaments)
  • Constable Rugdamul Gatimph (lead Arcanist, Shaman, Handler, Spotter)
  • Constable Glusrul Orbhug (lead 4 peers)
  • Peer Ogolmorz Shuzzor (lead 5 grunts)
  • Peer Bugadumph Burogash (lead 5 grunts)
  • Peer Hansh Muruolg (lead 5 grunts)
  • Peer Snamok Bugk (lead 5 grunts)
  • Arcanist Ulmumol Kharhash
  • Shaman Uraghulakh Lurnbul
  • Handler Bogrh Shammgog (Trolls, Wolf Trolls, Troll raptors)
  • Finder Hanzamph Magrob (leads 5 spotters)
The BMG successfully stole a copy of the Ojasi battleplans and provided them to the Kingdom of Jorentes.



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