
Inib'lorn-nor (The Land of Twelve Lakes) is a realm north of Abaddon on the continent of Hadean.
Predominantly a land of elves, a number of clans make their homes across an area of more than 800km of coast to a depth of between 100km and 200km to the borders of Abaddon in the south, northern Yavimaya and the Saturn Mountains in the west.   Referred to as the grandest estate by Jorentes elite, Inib'lorn-nor is a place of beauty and wonder. A chessboard of alternating field, forest, town, wetlands, hills and valleys, the elves of Inib'lorn-nor history claim that they have ingabited this part of Holocene for more than ten thousand years, making their ancesotrs contemperaneous with the original Carkade Empire. Records show that they Inib'lorn-nor extended further south prior to the Abaddon disaster that ended the Sarpadian Empire and created the nightmare of Abaddon itself 500 years ago.   Currently more than 20 minor Elven Clans are subservient to 4 major clans.   The 4 major clans consist of the Moonlake Clan, Uldra Clan, Bluegrove Clan and Oceanwatcher Clan.   The registered minor clans include Evenmane, Yeslynn, Thariraman, Silvergaze, Cedarbreath, Oakforce, Eldargaze, Autumngift, Wintershine, Viasis, Aspenrest, Hawkfreeze, Dallahe, Shardore, Torkrana, Welphoce, Faynore, Mistkind, Silverriver, Ashdew, Sagevale, Diamondspirit, Fogseeker, Shadowdew, Lunardream, Sagecrown and Goldspell.   While not obvious to non-elves, the majority of the realm is given over to aquaculture, agriculture, engineering, weirs, sluices and game management.   Deapite it's outwards peaceful appearnce, there have been many bloody and violent conflicts in the history if Idin'lorn-nor, including the expulsion of the Western Liodan, the failed Chaethana Saldonnisso uprising and the Boldshine Revolt. All of which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of lives.


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