Zazazu Worlds Hive

  • Insectoid like beings that dwell in great hive minds.
  • The Zuzazu were early Elder day creatures that range in size from tiny to gargantuan. In elder days they clashed repeatedly with all they met including the Great Old Ones, Elder Thing and Titans. Driven by the need to colonise new territory, the Zuzazu are constantly looking for means to expand.
  • So terrifying were the Zuzazu that a major discontinuance event was orchestrated by the Great Old Ones to trap the majority of the Zuzazu at the edge of the mortal plane. The Zuzazu entirely dominate the worlds they are restricted to.
  • There are many different Zuzazu colonies, each ruled a Tyrant. The colonies endlessly clash with each other in the pursuit of resources and power.
  • Far from being mindless, many Zuzazu are clever and independent minded even with their link back to their Tyrant. While the Tyrant exercises direct control of any member of its colony, it is common that individuals or groups within the colony resist the Tyrant and directly rebel against it.
  • Over the 250,000,000 years since their entrapment, passage out of their home worlds has happened only 6 times during major discontinuance events for only the briefest of time on each occasion.
  • Portions of the handle of a legendary Pisces Maul wielded by the Titan Pisces who made war on the Zuzazu is in possession of the Ruby Imperials and the Skaedguard.


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