
The modern city of Zerkir rests on the bones of dozens of previous versions since it was first established in -1000 DR.   Zerkir and its surrounding oasis are green and beautifully cultivated, offering a welcome reprieve from the brutalities of the transcontinental trade roads. The citadel’s enclosing walls run in an circuit of sixteen kms, interspursed with towers armed to the teeth with magical & mundane weapons and four main gates reinforced with highest quality dwarven steel and protective wards.   Upon reaching Zerkir, visiting traders can shelter their travelling animals in the open courtyard of its two-storey caravanserai (an inn with a courtyard for travellers) and interact with others from across Hadean including from as far as Telehetti, Semudan, Ruby Empire of Redin, Gramidern and Akkad Expanse.   As well as acting as a stopping point, Zerkir is the most important centre of Galasia production and trade. Just outside of the gates of the city are large markets, potters’ kilns, and steel making furnaces producing the crucible steel for which the city is well renowned. At the outskirts of the city stand its famous ‘icehouses’, tall conical buildings in which local residents collect and store snow during the winter months creating a vast mud-brick fridge.   The Leo Canal, named after an obscure ruler from 350 DR to 360 DR who first commissioned its construction still cuts through the city more than 1,100 years later.

The Leo Canal


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