
At the edge of the fertile Ceti and beneath the Plutonian Mountains, the city-states of Galasia control the inland trade crossroads between the civilisations of north-eastern Hadean and north-western Hadean.   Hominid settlements of various sizes have existed at the site of what is today Galasia, since -1,000 DR, with control of the area passing from ruler to ruler, civlisation to civlisation, between each rise and fall.   At its peak between 700 DR and 900 DR, Zerkir, capitol of Galasia, was one of the largest and most cosmopolitan cities in the world with an estimated population of over 600,000. It comprised a vast area stretching south to the Aran Forests and east to the edge of the Lepontines. Throughout its history, Galasia has been prosperously located at the crossroads of transcontinental trade taking place along major trade routes between the civilisations of north-eastern Hadean and north-western Hadean. Declining after the fall of the Sarpadian Empire, Galasia saw a resurgence later as the Helegu Khaganate took control of all territory as far east as Jorentes, Kingdom of. The splintering of the Helegu Khaganate did not significantly impact its prestige, however it now stands as an important focalpoint in the Blue Host and Silver Host war in northern Hadean.   Famous for its export wares, especially its textiles, Galasia is also known for palaces and groves, and gardens and streams. Replete with canals and bridges, and full of gardens and orchards, the lands of Galasia are green and beautifully cultivated. The major cities are enclosed with painted defensive, interspersed with battle towers and reinforced main gates. Streets are narrow and winding, packed with closely built houses and the occasional larger structure such as barracks, schools, libraries and bathhouses.   Thanks to its advantageous location on transcontinental trade routes, Galasia is a prosperous region famed as both a stopping point for traders as well as a centre of production in its own right. It is also a vibrant academic centre attracted people from across Hadean looking to partake in learning and exchange within the fields of mathematics, astronomy and literature. There are at least 10 significant libraries in all of Galasia, including one attached to the Zerkir Palace that contains around 24,000 different volumes and the Galasian astronomical tablets that go back more than 3,000 years.   Nominally a vassal of the Silver Host, Galasia is now caught between the approach of a formidable approaching Blue Host and a Silver Host occupier.


Founding Date
Geopolitical, Free City
Alternative Names
Galasian Trade Cities
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Market economy
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities

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