Colton Pierk

Field Marshal Pierk

Ruggedly handsome and kindhearted, Colton Pierk was Field Marshal and leader of the Lark Society. Born into Emserian nobility he is a lifelong soldier and former leader of the town guard in Riverweld during "the Troubled nights". Occasional ally to the Heroes of the Valley, Colton is known to be quick with a joke and to step to the defense of a person in need. A stalwart friend and a fearsome foe he stands for patience, honor and duty.   During the Battle for Emser he was captured, executed and reconstituded into an Automaton soldier of the Ferdir ah' Dain military. Freed from his Ferdir Ah' Dain masters by The Heroes of the Valley he now seeks vengance on the elves that destroyed his home and killed his family. He is currently leading the sacking of Hyule with Astraeus Tyche and Cassian.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

First introduced to the original Heroes of the Valley during Riverweld's "Troubles" Colton became chivalric rivals with a paladin of Joth named Bruz to determine who was more virtuous, charitable, fearless and strong. The two men developed a strong friendship and pushed each other to exemplify the ideals of honor and courage.   Colton was recalled to Emser and given command of the Lark Society after the Sultan's palace was destroyed. His father the former Field Marshal and Demi-Marshal Dusha was killed in the building's collapse.


Born and raised in the Crest of Emser, Colton was the first and only child of Rutherford Pierk. Given private instruction in history, mathematics and languages by the finest scholars in the kingdom he was given every educational advantage at a young age. The young Colton was also trained by the finest blade masters in the Anvil district. Colton was personally trained in battle tactics by his father. By the time he reached the age of compulsory service Colton had already been an experienced duelist and military tactician. During his time in compulsory service Colton showed an aptitude for military arcanary and eventually was selected to join the Red Stallion Regiment

Failures & Embarrassments

Colton was an officer in Riverweld during the troubles and was unable to save many of the civilians who ended up dying from supernatural attacks or street battles.

Mental Trauma

The death of his father still weighs heavy on Colton. He still blames himself for not being present in Emser during his father's death.

Intellectual Characteristics

Because of high level of education as a child Colton is a considerate man in action and thought.  Colton will consider as many options as he can before he makes a decision. Yet somehow he is able to react decisively in crisis. Colton attributes his decisiveness to his upbringing and comfort in the role of leader. Rarely impulsive, he believes that the only way to come to a productive decision is to consider as many facts and opinions as he can.    When he has the time, Colton will consider as many opinions that are offered to him on any given subject before finally making up his mind. A trait that has oftentimes earned the ire and loving ridicule of the soldiers under his command.

Morality & Philosophy

Calculating, compassionate and loyal, Colton Pierk took his roll as Heir to the Lark Society as his life's purpose. He lives for the glory of Emser and the Lark Society. Not for personal gain but for the glory of the ideals he was taught as a child.Trained as a leader from a very young age Colton is naturally selfless. He considers how his actions will impact others as a matter of course. He believes this helps him to "see the whole field" and predict how his allies and foes will react to an ever changing battlefield. This intellectual fastidiousness can lead to a compounding sense of failure when he makes a mistake or fails to foresee an outcome. Colton blames his mistakes on a lack of preparation or laziness that he believes he has.    While he is his own worst critic this undying sense of purpose and responsibility pushes him to work tirelessly for the benefit of his family, his soldiers and his sultan. However, he often neglects his own needs. Prone to bouts of melancholy when he believes nobody is watching Colton would rather put on a brave face than let others see him dejected.
Current Location
Light blue
Shoulder length brown hair with a clean shave
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan skin
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Colton's native language is Emserian common. He can also speak and read Fa common, Elvish and Dwarven script.

Character Portrait image: Colton Pierk of the Lark Society