Astraeus Tyche (As-TREE-us Tye-kee)

(a.k.a. Ast, Little Bird)

This character description was written with the help of T. Curry.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Years

Astraeus was lost. Astraeus was injured. Scratches, cuts and bruises covered their body. Astraeus found themselves stranded with no memory save one. The beginning of a Festival and the face of a girl. Who was she?
They were somewhere hot. They knew that. The trees dripped with water and the sky opened up with gushing rains every day. The bugs were vicious and as plentiful as the rivers that crisscrossed the jungle they were in. Finding a village, they asked for help but quickly discovered that they were forgotten by whoever they had been speaking to as soon as they departed. Eventually, Astraeus gave up attempting to speak with people, withdrawing into the thickets aournd the trees unless they needed something. During this time a few things happened; Astraeus gained a proclivity for thievery, taking what they need to survive with little consideration, and they learned the name of the town was Trott's Ferry deep within the rain forests of Jangala. Astraeus lived for several decades on the periphery of people's memory. Taking what they needed and become more and more detached.  

The magician

  The first time they were caught came suddenly. Many years after they've grown accustomed to the new world, Astraeus had been theiving from for untold decades. Then one morning a magician raised a fuss. This blue robed fool attempted to stop Astraeus from stealing their daily breakfast. Ast was simply filching a loaf of bread, a victimless crime. As the mage protestsed to the oblivious shopkeeper the mage realized the condition Astraeus has been trapped in. It turned out he was named Asra. He quickly determined that something was wrong with the way time was passing around Astraeus. Using a magical technique that he claimed was from an ancient tome that his guild The Arcanum, had loaned to him, Asra was able to repair the time discrepancy. Now, as time caught up with them Astraeus, people could remember them. Astraeus realized that Asra was the first person since their memory of the festival, that had remembered them. The two became fast friends. After this, Astraeus spent many years with Asra as both a friend and an apprentice. While Astraeus had little capability with the Arcane magics that Asra could weild, they understood the mage's theories. They felt familiar. Eventually, Asra recieved a message from his guild. They recommended that Asra and Astraeus journey farther south into Jangala to find a sage. According Asra, this sage may have knowledge of Astraeus's past and how they came to be afflicted by time. Maybe even recover their memories. As the two freinds traveled south deeper into Jangala the journey became increasingly difficult. Asra, who was not a young man when he met Astraeus became ill and eventually died, leaving Astraeus to finish the journey alone.  

The Sage

Using Asra's notes and maps Astraeus eventually found this Sage, an old woman named Paala, amongst a city of graves. This city was clearly a site to behold at one point. Everywhere Astraeus looked they could see signs and reminders of a powerful civilazation that had built this tremendous metropolis in the middle of the jungle. What had happened to them? What had killed them. The streets of this fallen city was lined with stones. Paala explained the city had no name, but the stones were markers that this forgtotten civilization used to mark the location of their dead. Paala explained that at some point, enough people had died, and enough stones had been placed that the city had become unusalbe. The grave stone were so prevalant that carts could no longer travel the streets and people could no longer live in their home. What had happened? Paala did not know. Much to Astraeus' suprise the diminutive woman quickly agreed to teach them. Paala was a human like Asra, but unlike Asra, Paala's magic was not arcane? It came from somewhere else. Not academic knowledge or connection with a god. Paala's magic came from within the world itself. This magic felt familiar to Astraeus. The flow of it wrapped around their body like a well loved blanket. Somehow Paala was able to give Astraeus information on their one memory of the festival from their past life. It may have been at attack waged by the followers of a god named Beltanor. How did Paala know this? The knowledge felt right to Astraeus but it was still unbelievable how this little woman in the jungle was able to fill in these gaps. Eventually Paala agreed that she could unlock Astreus' remaining memories if the young Eladrin agreed to study under Paala. Astraeus eagarly accepted the offer and began their journey of becoming a full-fledged druid. While under her guidance, Astraeus learned more about Beltanor, the reason for the attack and the truth of their parents' occupation. Apparently, their parents were tasked with guarding something called a Platomere. This object acted as a the gateway between realms, and, upon the attack, sent Astraeus into the physical realms for their safety.

The Heroes of the Valley

After remaining with Paala until her passing, Astraeus returned to civilization, having accepted their lineage and the traditions of druid culture. They began working as a navigator for boats passing through Jangala, and, as the war in the north between the Ferdir Ah' Dain and the Tefferan Sultanate became more severe, found themselves navigating for boats of refugees to points south like Riverweld. Upon reaching Riverweld on one of these missions, they encounted The Heroes of the Valley and agree to navigate for them, guiding them to Trott's Ferry. When they reached the town, they decided to join the Heroes in investigating the war in the north.    During their time with the The Heroes of the Valley Astraeus made friends with many of the members and even adopted a pet Hook Horror that they freed from a traveling circus. They quickly named this creature "Chicken" and rode it into many battles. Eventually Astraeus and The Heroes of the Valley confronted the Ferdir Ah' Dain in the Battle for the Azmar valley and freed the people of the area from the Ferdir's occupation. After the conclusion of the battle Astraeus took a small scouting party of the reconstituded automaton that was once known as Colton Pierk and the Ferdir Defector Selaric Drai north to confront the Ferdir directly. They have prosecuted many successful battles against the northern elves and continue to do so several years after their decisive victory in the Azmar Valley.


There have been four main points in the education of Astraus Tyche.   As a child in the Madji, Astraeus was given less formal education and more guidance in their world. Astraeus spent their time feeling the world around them and learning how to listen to the feeling of the waters and winds. Their teachers were their parents and the spirits that permeated the world of spirit.   After their expulsion from the Madji, Astraeus was alone due to the memory curse that had fallen on them. Isolated and separate from anyone's memory they did what they had to do to survive. Eeking out an existence at first at the fringes of several towns in Jangala . Each time they approached a home or village the curse would strike them from the memory of anyone they encountered. During this time they developed a habit of taking what they needed and having few considerations for the consequences.   This feeling of consequence-free survival lasted until they were saved from their curse by an Arcanum mage named Asra. Upon their release from the curse Astraeus followed Asra for years. Learning the basic social and fundamentals of the new world they found themselves in was exhausting. Their education mainly consisted of what little Arcane magic they understood when Asra tried to teach them.   After Asra's death Astraeus continued their education from the sage, Paala. Who instructed Astraeus in the way of the druids, according to Paala's culture. During their many years with the sage, Astraeus learned a great many things, from primal magic to Druidic culture. Upon Paala's passing, they were given her dwelling and the remaining records of their culture.


Prior to their expulsion from the Madji, Astraeus was a musician and was unknowingly the next in line to guard the Platomere. After being expelled and cured of their time curse, they worked as a navigator for boats from all around Jangala. When the war in the north started to take hold and refugees began to use the waterways to escape, Astraeus became a navigator for their boats, ferrying them to safety. After arriving in Riverweld, having escorted another group of refugees, they encountered the other members of The Heroes of the Valley, and were offered a position as their guide up into Jangala and Trott's Ferry. After the party's safe arrival, Astraeus joined them as they headed further north to investigate the war.

Mental Trauma

Astraeus's time under the time displacement curse that prevented others from remembering them left a long lasting impression. They have a deep-seated fear of being forgotten once more, especially after allowing themselves to make meaningful bonds. Their similar fear of abandonment is caused by the deaths of many they considered close.
Chaotic Good
Current Status
Northern military campaign against the Ferdir Ah' Dain
Purple with flecks of gold
Short, wavy, silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Emserian Common, Jangalan Druidic, Madji Elvish, and Splintered Peak Orc.

Character Portrait image: by Toni Gil