The Tressian Plateau

Flat, arid and desolate the Tressian Plateau is a high desert tundra where creatures survive by enduring the harsh rocky terrain. Supernaturally flat the hard rock ground is pockmarked by valleys where the preciously rare rains have done their best to carve their way into the stone.


The Tressian plateau's flatness is matched only by its arid atmosphere. The western edge of the tundra is shared by the Splintered peaks and quickly falls away to low rolling hills and valleys caused by the peak's erosion onto the plateau that has happened over the last several millennia. The rest of the plateau lacks much of any natural topographical deviation. The only departures from the unvarying landscape are the valleys and crevasses caused by the rare and sudden rains that sweep across the area. The plateau's other borders to the north and south are the Keth Wilds and Jangala respectively. Each border terminating suddenly in sheer cliffs that drop off hundreds of feet in some locations. To the east the terminating border is the ocean of Izan. The churning blue green waters have eroded away the cliffs of the plateau in many places leaving tall spires of caprocks and deep valleys down to boulder covered beaches.   The only source of constant water on the plateau is the silver river which flows down from the Splintered Peaks and tumbles down into Jangala at the village of Trott's Ferry.


Although the surface of the Plateau is a crust of hard stone there have been fissures and cracks that have formed over the ages to allow for the penetration of various organisms. Deep beneath the surface the precious little moisture that does exist year round in the tundra is used by various species of insect and lizard. The moisture is able to seep to the surface through several oasis however the tides of Huld's twin moons can raise or lower the water level at these precious watering holes. Successful navigation of the plateau requires not only a knowledge of an oasis' location but also the time of the season.

Localized Phenomena

Due to the lack of natural topography, any rain that does manage to make its way onto the plateau is quickly swept along by the desert winds. Cloud cover moves quickly pushing any rain along the surface. The ground is so dry in parts of the plateau that false rains do occur. These virga clouds trick unwary travelers into believing their thirst will be quenched, but dry their hopes up as the rain disappears before even a drop can make landfall.

Natural Resources

Though much of the plateau remains in a state of near consistent drought, the soil is quite rich. Areas near the Silver River and the city of Emser are able to grow large amounts of olive, wheat, grape and barley crops as well as support fig, orange and peach orchards.   Much of the Tressian Plateau remains uninhabited. There have been accounts of mines rich with minerals and gemstones as well as far flung desert oasis where rare fruits and flowers are harvested by savvy travelers who know where to find them.
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