
This is a work in progress     "Wyrmkin are an incredible species full of variety and complicated heredity. If one were to get the opportunity to study them up close it's likely that you could observe a dramatic and complex social structure at work. Unfortunately those same cultural complexities can often lead to misunderstandings where the researcher is melted, burned, frozen or generally dismembered. Caution is advised when making an approach to an uncontacted clan." 
- Observations on Wyrmkin Society,
Aurelian Augustus, Fifth of Their Name.

Basic Information


Bipedal and Bibrachial creatures with an average height of 6'3". Skin tones are varied ranging from dark brown to pale white with a rainbow of colors in between. Due to an implied common ancestries with Dragons, the coloration of dragons from chromatic red, blue, and black to metalic gold, silver and bronze. Skin tone is believed to be a generational biological response to environmental factors including climate and predation.

Wyrmkin eye color typically consists of completely black sclera with a coloration in the iris that can take a variety of colors, including brown, red, green and purple.

Wyrmkin are typically broad in build and muscular in appearance with genetic pre-disposition to an ectomorphic body type.

Wyrmkin require sleep. Like other ancestries in Huld they require 5 to 8 hours of sleep per day.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wyrmkin reproduce ovaparously. Two biological sexes (male/female) are required to reproduce. The female of the species typuically lays a clutch of one to three fertlized eggs.

Despite their physical similarities to cold blooded reptiles, Wyrmkin are warm blooded and can internally regulate their body temperature to a certain degree but typically wear less as it gets hot and don more clothes to keep warm, similar to other sapient species.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wyrmkin life cycles are something of an oddity. Due to their typically hostile living environments many Wyrmkin die of predation, disease, or warfare before they can die of old age. However, in the rare occasion of a Wyrmkin passing away from natural old age they can live from 60 cycles to more than 120 cycles. Wyrmkin culture and ancestries are diverse, but many Wyrmkin clans habitate in areas that are separate from other sapient species. This separation creates a lack of familiarity with their biology, life cycles and other charactaristics of their development.   In the observations that have been conducted the growth stages tend to follow an age progression similar to Orcs. They reach physical maturity and size by the age of 12 to 13 cycles for biological males and 14 to 15 cycles for biological females. Their physical development seems to correspond separately from any pubescent development as most Wyrmkin develop reproductive capabilities after 18 cycles. There is currently no accountability for this separation from physical and reproductive development.

Ecology and Habitats

Many Wyrmkin can be found in different climates across Huld. From the far southern frozen wastes to the burning equitorial sands of the The Tressian Plateau. Much like Humans and Elves Wyrmkin are evironmentally adaptable.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wyrmkin are omnivorous. Their size and speed of growth indicate a high fat and protien diet. However some Wyrmkin have been discovered to subsist on a primary diet of plants. Whether this is an intentional choice or a necessity of the environment they live often depends on the specific ancestry and tribe.

Biological Cycle

As Wyrmkin age they shed their skin for the first 12 cycles of their lives. In their youth the shedding is as frequent as once a season. As they age the shedding typically occurs at the transition from the colder hibernal seasons to the wetter springtide seasons. Many wyrmkin cease shedding when they have completed puberty by the age of 18 after they reach their maximum physical size.


The diversity of Wyrmkin ancestry indicates no standardized behavior or psychological trait that is ubiquitous. However, the rarity of their integration into non Wyrmkin society along with their physical size has created an incorrect generalization that Wyrmkin are gruff, agressive and quick to anger. This is mostly untrue as many of the incidents that record an outburst violence or verbal agression can likely be attributable to cultural or linguistic misunderstanding. Many other sapient species do not posess the same speech organs as Wyrmkin. This biological difference makes their language nearly impossible to pronouce correctly by non Wyrmkin therby leading to communication problems.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wyrmkin posess the biological requirements for the five basics senses: Sight (two eyes, front facing), Hearing (Two ear holes, placed on either side of the cranium), Smell (One nose placed at the end of a pronounced muzzle above the mouth. Due to their scales Wyrmkin do not typically have a rhinarium), Taste (One tongue located inside the mouth), touch (skin organ of varying sensitivity encasing the entire body covered by a layer of thick chitenous scales.) Wyrmkin also posess a large posterior tail appendange. This tail is not prehensile however it does provide additional balance capabilities when running, jumping or otherwise engaging in athletic pursuits.   Wyrmkin eyesight is not adapted to lower light environments. Similar to the Human Species, They are unable to see in partial or total darkness without the aid of an external light source.
Scientific Name
Geographic Distribution