Back in Neverwinter again Report

General Summary

Now that the Scuffling Partizans know that the necklace that Razyle had been forced by Alexander Inquisitorius to wear, had been a tool for him to spy on the adventurers, the group is busy visiting people they have had contact with these last months. As they often do, they start with lady Vandala Maz'Trawa, but she quickly makes it clear that her temple is very thoroughly protected from divination magic. She appreciates the heads up though and supports the Partizans' efforts to warn each and every party they can get to.   Next stop is Harald MacIntyre. Razyle luckily has not had contact with the well defended underground stronghold he has built, but since their conversations and such have also been listened to, it is still wise to warn him. He will redouble the defenses and as always is happy to see the Partizans visit. His organization has become a well oiled machine and lots of people from the Outsiders are being trained down in his system of tunnels and caverns.   Randy, having had a good idea when Nezznar Iathrana a.k.a. The Black Spider told him to contact someone who has a better connection with the gods than he does, decides he must have a talk with the priest Bahamin. Razyle is quick to mention she will help out by standing guard outside and climbs on top of the roof.   Inside the Heart of the Dragon temple Randy leads the conversation with Bahamin, explaining all that the Partizans have found out. To have a private talk of this importance the group is led by Bahamin to a smaller room set aside from the temple proper. Here Randy mentions the Black Robes involved in necromancy, and dealing with demons, them looking for glowstone to power an item known as The Hand-of-God artifact, their wishes to put the still living Georgio Armici Cristardo back in controlĀ  of Neverwinter's armed forces and more of such worrying news. Bahamin is quite troubled by most of the things Randy mentions, but doesn't seem to act surprised at the mention that Cristardo lives. Understanding that there is something big happening involving great forces of evil, he agrees that the Drow are not their biggest concern right now. The Black Robes however need to be closely watched, especially since another expedition of them has set out for the south, having been spotted just north of the city Colondra. Obviously unsettled by the implications of all he is informed about, he says he really should go to Celestia to discuss these things. Not surprisingly, Randy is taken aback by the casual nature with which Bahamin mentions just going to Celestia, and says as much. Bahamin, confirming that indeed he intends to just go to Celestia, adds the question if the Partizans want to come along. Controlling the excitement of the concept, Randy wonders if he really could do such a thing, if there is such hurry in catching up on the Black Robes. Bahamin explains that the visit to Mount Celestia won't take up that much time at all, and therefor should not be a problem in the way of their haste at all. And as such the group decides to happily accept the wondrous opportunity to see the Seven Heavens for themselves.   Razyle meanwhile had been taking a short stroll to the Grand Market, where she spotted Napoleon exiting the office of Jonathan Highcastle. She decided that this was an opportunity she could not let pass and used her skills and stealthiness to kill him as he walked alone in a shaded and narrow corridor. When she returns and meets up with the rest of the group, momentarily having left Bahamin who needs to make preparations for their departure to Mount Celestia, she says she really doesn't feel much for going along, rather sticking with standing guard outside. She seems impossible to convince to go along, and as she doesn't care much for religion anyway, the group decides not to argue the point and return to Bahamin, one member short of complete.
Colonia's Hegemony
Bilbo Barbarian
Scaramouche Fan'dango
Yorratra Yorratra Melith Ithil
Randy Jones
Report Date
21 Jan 2022


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