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Good Mead

Run by Speaker Olvessa after a long and strange election. Fellow candidates were Keth and the Dwarf Shadir. Geographically in the least favorable spot (after Dougan's Hole) to the threat of the Duergar. But they have their own plentiful resources after their namesake.   4 Hours North of Dougan's Hole and immediately noticeably diverse with alpine Tabaxi, and architecture of Wyverns and jungles from a faraway place and time. More Kobolds, more Dragonborn, and more of a standing militia; fewer Mountain Dwarves than most towns.   Notable locations:
  • The Mead Hall, populated with more Tabaxi illustrations, and bees to make Honey Mead!

  • An ancient building

  •   A Shrine to Tempus, a war god. Tempus was a mighty foe of many. The scriptures show of wars from Ten Towns past, where Good Mead battled across the Redwaters, allowing them their name. One town mentioned, particularly, is Dougan's Hole. A ceremony was held for the previous Speaker, Kendrick Wrestlebarrel, who died to a Verbeeg. The nearby woods
  Important Figures:
  • Rudolph Hauel: A man covered in runic tattoos. He did not appreciate Kendrick's failure to bring back the mead barrels alone. Follows "The Old Way" of Tempus. Died during the Verbeeg Quest.

  • Old Fester: The resident mage, strange, but hospitable to passers-through.

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