Bryn Shander

The capital of the Ten Towns region. A bustling "metropolis" of 1,500 people.

“What’s Bryn Shander like,ye ask? It’s sixty score humans, packed together like fish in a barrel an’ smelling just as sweet. Its roads are paved with the muck o’ the cart horsesye’re constantly rubbing shoulders with, and its alehouses are filled with scoundrels that no other city in Faeriin would have. And after three weeks on the Trail, you’ll swear there was no lovelier sight!”
— Beorne Steelstrike, caravan master
  Although Bryn Shander is the largest of the Ten Towns, it is also the youngest. Originally it was the site of a lone cabin on the trail to Maer Dualdon, where caravanners would rest by a warm fire before continuing to somewhere more promising, usually Targos.   Today, Bryn Shander is the first stop for most visitors to Icewind Dale. Known for being a trading center, it is the gateway to its fellow towns of the dale, as well as their lifeline to the rest of civilization to the south.   The circular walled town is perched atop a cold, lonely, wind-lashed hill with snowy plains stretching in all directions. Bright lanterns suspended over narrow streets twist in the wind and add flecks of color to the town’s otherwise drab surroundings.   The friendliness in this settlement has dwindled of late. Auril’s unyielding winter has greatly reduced the number of visitors to Bryn Shander, and local trade is suffering for it, eating away at the locals’ sense of humor and goodwill. Still, there is no safer place in Icewind Dale to spend coin or spend the night.   The walls of the town stand some 30 feet high and are defined by two concentric rings of upright wooden poles, the gap between them filled with dirt and rubble. The outer ring of poles rises above the top of the wall, providing a rampart for defenders stationed on the wood-planked walkway. The wall’s hinged gates are 15 feet tall and can be barred from the inside with iron-banded wood beams.  
"The gates are closed when it’s dark outside. That's basically always."
— Half Jorgen



Locations known to Party


Blackiron Blades

  This combination shop and smithy stands just north of the main square. A dwarf named Garn the Hammer manufactures the cheapest blades in Ten-Towns, while his sister Elza sells adventuring supplies—including rations, cold weather gear, ice picks, and snowshoes—to fortune-seekers.  
"You could carry a Blackiron blade. If carrying is all you're planning to do with it."

House of the Morninglord

  Located near Bryn Shander’s northeast market square, this modest converted house serves as a gathering place for worshipers of Amaunator, a god of the sun known to take both male and female forms. A retired human adventurer named Mishann runs the shrine.  

The Northlook Inn

  The Northlook is the establishment most frequented by mercenaries and adventurers, and as such it’s the rowdiest and most dangerous place to stay in Bryn Shander. At the same time, its taproom is the best spot in all of Ten-Towns to get leads on profitable ventures, along with the latest news and rumors.   The inn’s proprietor, a retired human sellsword named Scramsax, knows full well the cycles of an adventurer’s life. He often cuts a break for customers who are between jobs, allowing them to stay here on credit and then presenting them with a bill inflated by interest charges to be reckoned with as soon as they make their next payday. Those who don’t settle their accounts discover that the old mercenary still knows how to handle a blade, and that he doesn’t take “later” for an answer.   Stuffed and mounted on a plaque above the hearth in the common room is a battle-scarred knucklehead trout named Ol’ Bitey, who pulled many a fisher into the icy depths of Maer Dualdon before it was finally caught by a human rogue named Kintyre and her companion, a human druid who called himself the Maverick. They hauled Ol’ Bitey to the Northlook in the hope of having it cooked for them, but Scramsax bought it from them and had it stuffed instead. Years later, some prankster wizard cast a spell on the stuffed fish so that it turns and snaps at any creature that comes within 5 feet of it. Occasionally, seemingly at random, Ol’ Bitey sings the following verse instead.  
There’s a place I like to go
Farther up the river’s flow;
Where it is, I do not know;
Must be under all that snow.
— Ol Bitey

Rendaril's Emporium

  This one stop shop deals in adventuring supplies, clothing, foodstuffs, and housewares. It is run by an overweight half elf named Rendaril, who is far too easily amused.


Bryn Shander is connected to Easthaven by the Eastway, a snow-covered road. In addition, there are snowy paths to Caer-Dineval, Good Mead, Targos, and Termalaine.
To Travel Time
Caer-Dineval 10 1/2 hours
Easthaven 7 1/2 hours
Good Mead 6 hours
Targos 2 hours
Location under
Sacrifice to Auril


Articles under Bryn Shander


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