Good Mead

Founded by immigrants from Chult and the Vilhon Reach, Good Mead is nestled between Redwaters and a nearby evergreen forest. The town’s squat dwellings, adorned with carvings of dinosaurs and serpents, are overshadowed by the two-story structure of the mead hall, its eaves carved and painted to resemble wyverns. As honey is the key ingredient in mead, the town literally buzzes with the droning of bees. Or it used to, when Icewind Dale had a summer...   Every tavern in Icewind Dale is accustomed to receiving regular mead deliveries, and the town can’t produce or deliver its mead fast enough.  

Locations known to Party

  None found yet.    

Locations known to Asphodel


Mead Hall

  Four decades ago, this mead hall put an end to the town’s dependence on knucklehead trout fishing with its famous honey wine, which quickly became popular throughout Ten-Towns.   The mead hall has a large, fire-heated space dedicated to bee husbandry and the nurturing of beehives. The droning bees can be heard throughout the town, though most residents are so accustomed to the buzzing that they pay it no mind.  
“Oh don't give me no more of that Good Mead Spirit
No, don't you give me none more of that Good Mead Spirit
For my head will fly, my tongue will lie, my eyes will fry and I may die
Won't you pour me one more of that sinful Good Mead Spirit”
— Author unknown


  A path connects Good Mead to the Eastway, crosses the snow-covered road, and continues to Caer-Dineval. Another snowy path leads to Dougan’s Hole. Travel times in the Overland Travel from Good Mead table assume that characters are on foot; mounts and dogsleds can shorten these times by as much as 50 percent.   Overland Travel from Easthaven
To Travel Time
Bryn Shander 6 hours
Caer-Dineval 8 hours
Dougan's Hole 4 hours
Easthaven 4 1/2 hours
Location under
Sacrifice to Auril


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