
Warm up with an ale and the Ghost of Lac Dinneshere

Walking into Easthaven is like stepping into Icewind Dale’s past—the place is a living example of the boomtown way of life that gripped all of Ten-Towns centuries ago. In the generations since, as other towns have settled into a predictable pattern of existence, Easthaven has continued to grow and reinvent itself. After the Eastway was paved, Easthaven evolved into a frontier traders’ paradise, fueling the jealousy of its neighbors.   Easthaven’s founders were thieves from the Duchy of Cape Velen, on a peninsula far to the south. They refused to kowtow to a powerful thieves’ guild and were driven out. To this day, Easthaven honors its shady founders by declaring pickpocketing legal within the town limits—which explains the “Watch thy pouch!” signs posted in various local establishments.    
"The only war that ever comes to Easthaven is the battle against the elements."
— Everard, Order of the Broken Blade

Locations known to the Party

None yet  

Asphodel - Locations known


Easthaven Ferry

Used to take you to the other towns on Lac Dinneshere. Right now, the boat and most of Easthaven's harbor are trapped in ice.  

The Wet Trout

The Wet Trout, located near the docks, is the largest and loudest tavern in Easthaven, known for its ribald atmosphere and rumor-mongering. A great chimney squarely in the building’s center has hearths on either side to warm the tavern’s two common rooms. The tavern’s current owner and proprietor is Nymetra Myskyn, a dragonborn.  

The White Lady Inn

This musty old inn is named after a local legend known as the White Lady—a ghost rumored to walk on Lac Dinneshere, haunting the spot where her rich husband drowned. Rinaldo, a self-styled bard kept around to entertain guests, is fond of plucking his fiddle while recounting the tale.  

The Redrun

The stream that empties Lac Dinneshere into Redwaters. Normally a series of spills that are easy to cross, the stream becomes a torrent of frothing whitewater during late spring. Decent fishing there if it isn't completely frozen over, although that's been rarer lately. [/subcontainer]  

Asphodel - people known

  • Speaker Danneth Waylen - The leader of the town, and a man respected for his humility and forthrightness. He is against the human sacrifices in Easthaven, but has been forced to accept it by the commander of the town militia.
  • Captain Imdra Arlaggath - This half elf woman commands town's militia. She is pragmatic, efficient, and cold.
  • Nymetra Myskyn - Owner of the Wet Trout. She is a dragonborn berserker of white dragon ancestry. Although she can be crusty and full of complaints, Nymetra is not discouraged by the Everlasting Rime, which she regards as a test of Ten-Towns’ mettle. An unapologetic worshiper of Auril, she supports Easthaven’s attempts to appease the Frostmaiden with sacrifices.
  • Rinaldo - A halfling who runs the White Lady Inn.
  • Scython - A male tiefling who is owner and operator of the Easthaven Ferry. With the Ferry out of service, he spends most of his time at the Wet Trout.


  None found yet.    



  The Eastway stretches between Easthaven and Bryn Shander. Snow-covered paths branching off this road lead to Caer-Dineval and Good Mead.   Overland Travel from Easthaven
To Travel Time
Bryn Shander 7 1/2 hours
Caer-Dineval 9 hours
Good Mead 4 1/2 hours
Ferry Travel from Easthaven
To Travel Time
Caer-Dineval Forever
Caer-Konig Sometime much much after hell freezes
Location under
Sacrifice to Auril

Articles under Easthaven

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