

Azuros is an island continent to the south of the Lorean mainland. While it officially stands as part of Loreheim, it mostly acts independently of the Lorean court given the distance between the two, keeping the relationship primarily focused on economic benefit and loose defensive agreements. Originally formed by a cluster of volcanoes at its center, Azuros was named after a unique phenomenon was found to occur on its beaches. The volcanic eruptions produced a mineral, which when consumed, caused the organisms to produce a bright bioluminescence with varying shades of blue in the water that crashed onto the beaches. Over time as more of this mineral was produced, the sands began to change to gradients of blue as well. Most likely this is due to copper veins that are near the volcanic sites, stretching to the coastline. Azurean settlements find themselves surrounded by lush jungles teeming with life and a sense of vibrance. Almost as if the world carries a special radiance in Azuros.
Currently there are only two primary cities within Azuros: Silverwood and Bracken City. Small localized villages and towns are common, but typically feed the two larger cities.


Volcanic Island
Rainforest biome


Typical tropical climate - hot, humid, stormy seasons in Altshaya and Mantshaya.

Natural Resources

Volcanic Rock
Exotic plants and wildlife
Location under
Included Locations
Contested By

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