
Eldross is a desert region in the southern portion of Loreheim and is unique as it is a singular city in the middle of the Prismatic Sands, and is the only civilization recognized by the Lorean Court. Nicknamed “The Floating City” it sits raised above the sands, suspended between enormous towers of gemstones erupting from the sands below, magically held aloft by the Leyline font at the base of the gemstones. Within Eldross you can find the University of Salira, a place for those gifted with arcane abilities can study under master wizards, sorcerers and artificers. You can also find the Grand Archives, home to the largest collection of knowledge and history amongst the three great continents, Loreheim, Qizdraen, and Mistveil.


Eldross is governed by the Archivists of the Grand Archives alongside Headmistress Hypneria. These individuals function similarly to a court of nobles, but often adhere to the public's interest and often convene in meetings open to the public for people to voice their concerns.


City Guard

The City Guard is virtually nonexistent, solely managed by Osirus Paul-Telluride-Darwilly IV, ESQ, a quadral Aione. Since Eldross was founded on, and prides itself in, neutrality for the pursuit of knowledge, conflict necessitating the use of a police force is extremely rare.

Industry & Trade

Open Air Markets

Eldross was created to service any need a traveler may come across on their journey or pursuit of higher learning. To be a cultural epicenter for progress and innovaton. From this ideology a booming economy sprung forth where anyone could come and try to open their own passionate business. This eventually helped spark the Industrial district to assist in manufacturing and development of mechanical goods and services, as well as utilities for the evergrowing city.


Eldross is one of the most visited and populated cities in the world. Enchanted by unbelievable magics to constantly shift, turn, and create paths to the travelers needs while in the city. Roads and walkways crafted from the gemstone pillars supporting the city, with buildings anchored to their own portion, allowing the populace to be brought to them by the navigation within the city.   Eldross is constructed between five massive gemstone pillars coming from the ground below it, each made from a different stone - opal, malachite, garnet, azurite, and jet. These jagged towers loosely resemble fingers reaching up through the sand, each one naturally connected to the leyline beneath the surface. The leyline provides a huge boon of natural Arcane Energy, allowing Headmistress Hypneria to layer in the enchantments giving the city its unique properties.











Guilds and Factions


Founed in 1000 AR Eldross quickly began to flourish and grow at an unsustainable rate. Very quickly the city began to siphon more and more from the leyline, draining the area of its natural resources, transforming the once lush jungles of the region, into a hauntingly beautiful desert known as the Prismatic Sands. Due to the power of the leyline, Eldross was able to facilitate its booming population, as well as absorb the displaced peoples from the surrounding area that were now forced to find new environments. Eldross then entered the normal state of peace that has been known most of its existence.
  In 1370AR a group known as The Wanderers began to stir chaos within the city. Attacking civilian stores, vandalizing US, even targeting the cities leadership with coordinated attacks. These acts eventually led to the Imperial Plea being made after Eldross asked Sovereign Tyrael IX to intervene. The Imperial Plea brought hundreds of mercenaries, adventurers, and fledgling heroes to defend Eldross. This lead to some escalation from The Wanderers and blood to flow through the streets for the first time in Eldross' history. Eventually whittling the City Guard to a single member, and desperate for help.
Founding Date
1000 AR
Alternative Name(s)
The Floating City
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under