Igniya Geographic Location in Igniya | World Anvil
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Igniya, also known as the "New World" is a continent, which was discovered in 106 Ard. and is actively being colonized by the great powers of the Old World.
This New World is almost entirely unexplored and filled to the brim with things, waiting to be discorevered. Amongst said things are treasures, vast stores natural resources, natural wonders and strange unnatural phenomena, which all hold the potential to both bless and destroy not only the ones who find them, but also the colonies and the world as a whole.


Igniya's terrain is quite varied. Whilst the western landmass (also referred to as "Ignis") is largely flat, except the large mountain range on its western side, the eastern landmass (also referred to "Gaya") has quite a lot of both mountains and valleys (making it a lot more challenging to traverse on land). Ignis is mostly covered in savannah-plains and different types of forest. Gaya possesses similar amounts of woodlands, but mixes in a good amount of grasslands with its savannahs.


Much of Igniya's ecosystem functions in the same way, as nature in the
Old World does. The largest differences are the size of many of the plants and animals, which tends to be larger than in the Old World and the many new animals ("monsters" might be a more fitting term, considering their... unique features) we are in the process of discovering. These "monsters" are in general far larger than any of our known animals and surpass even some of the more mythical creatures, which the Old World has brought forth. Alongside their often terrifying size, they tend to possess more powerful (by a lot) versions of both offensive and defensive mechanisms, which have been observed in other organisms (see here "Dragon's Breath Demystified" by Irv Stefens as a good basis for further research). Our studies on the ecosystem have shown that even (or rather especially) with these creatures roaming the lands, survival of the fittest is still the most important principle. It is expected that fights between these behemoths will occur quite often, which is both good and bad. For Prospectors it is recommended to bring most of the usual supplies necessary for surviving in the wilds of the Old World and supplement them with tools to either dispatch, ward off, or evade (very) large beasts.

Ecosystem Cycles

Due to Igniya being discovered only very recently, we still do not know much of its natural cycles.
It seems like there is very little seasonal change, except the migration of certain organisms to different parts of the continent. Even for these movements neither cause, nor exact effect are known yet.

Localized Phenomena

Igniya contains many localized phenomena, which are yet to be properly examined. Recorded anomalies include strange portals, levitating landmasses, magic-disrupting crystals and many more.


The temperatures on Igniya tend to be quite stable, likely due to its specific location on our world. Most areas require little in terms of specialized equipment, or clothing for abnormal weather.
Alternative Name(s)
New World
Included Locations
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Dodo