Eärendil the Mariner Character in Ileth | World Anvil
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Eärendil the Mariner

A shard: Fallen to the Earth in 3002AS of the Third Age.
Eärendil was a half elven man of tall stature and slim build, like many elves. Atop his head was long blonde hair. Eärendil was a kind man with a heartwarming presence. He had an aura of unstoppable wanderlust and yearned for exploration and knowledge. Since he was very young he had an affinity for sea birds, he loved them, and they would follow him everywhere.

As a shard, Eärendil grew with no parents in the forest of Lindon until the age of six when a noble family found and adopted him: It was Lord Tuor and his wife, Lady Idril. They were a well respected pair in Lindon but both were as the edge of their life, even by elven standards. They were both enraptured by Eärendil's nature, so sweet and caring, so they loved him with all their hearts - even though some other lords had qualms with them adopting a Half-Elf.

Once Eärendil was forty eight Lord Tuor died (3050AS of the Third Age). After that Eärendil left lindon, bidding his mother farewell and moved to the coastal kingdom of Yvresse. There he worked as a mariner for many years, and he was good at it. His sense of direction - masterful control over ships, and companionship with the ocean birds let him traverse the Royal Sea with ease. While in the capital of Yvresse - Tor Yvresse, Eärendil learned of the Exodus of Gods, and the undying lands. He named them the Grey Havens. This sparked his thirst for exploration once again.

Here it is important to bear in mind that Eärendil, despite being a shard had little power. He was an embodiment of Ao's kindness and love.

After hearing of the Undying lands, and most importantly, the Ban of the Valar Eärendil would set out on many dangerous explorative ventures in order to test the bounds of the Ban. He treid heading west from every port in Ileth, from every direction until once he pushed too far - A venture from Boletaria west broke his ship, and killed his crew. Luckily, he was carried home by the sea and was found clinging onto the figure head of his ship, A white gull.
After this Eärendil returned to Lindon and found a wife: Elwing. She was the daughter of the king of Lindon: Dior the fair. Their love was unbreakable.

Their marriage led to the birth of two brothers: Elrond and Elros, and made Eärendil named Prince of Gondolin. During this time Eärendil manifested some magic: he could fly in his ship, as it would be carried by the wind in it's sails, unfortunately the prosperity of Lindon had also attracted a dragon in the same decade, this culminated with a battle between Eärendil on Vingilot his silver ship and Acalagon the Black, a gargantuan Black dragon. In the end Ancalagon was smote onto the mountains of Anorien and Eärendil was the victor. Dispite this Eärendil was only a Half-Elf and his age was catching up with him. On his 193rd birthday Eärendil left Gondolin and Lindon and returned to Tor Yvresse where he gathered a ship and crew and set off on his last journey into the west. First he headed north, to skoscrag where he had heard of an island just outside the range of the Ban to the southwest named Orth, or The Abyss . There he made shore, though his ship Vingolot was sunk by the mythic Kraken, leading him to die before the gate to the Undying Lands unable to achieve his goal:

To bargain with the Gods, to put an end to chaos and bring true love and happiness into Ileth. 
(Chaotic Good)


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