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Kingdom of Balemont

The Kingdom of Balemont is a feudal Kingdom in the North of Orias. It is the native home of humans and halflings.


The Crown Monarch is the absolute authority in state matters. The Crown is assisted by its council which is comprised of relatives and close allies. The lands of Balemont are governed by Dukes, Counts and Barons who have sworn fealty to the Crown.


Balemont is defined by its social divisions due to its Feudal system of government. The Nobility enjoy the luxuries of power and refinement while also balancing the needs of the lower classes lest they endure rebellion. The middle class can largely be seen as the figure heads of economic activity in Balemont such as merchants, guild keepers, shopkeepers, servants etc. The peasant class are the lowest class but seen as the most dangerous by the Nobility. Though outright rebellion is rare in Balemont, due in large part by the near constant threat of war with Drakzul in the south and the protection that the Lords of them provide, strikes or demands from the landed nobles are not unheard of.   Balemont is racially diverse especially in urban areas. In rural areas halflings and humans are more common as is distrust of other races especially among the least educated. Unfortunately, a dragonborn in Balemont will find themselves regularly the subject of whisper, gossip and distrust due to the near instinctual distrust between Balemont and Drakzul .


The Balemontian military is made up of levies who generally swear allegiance to their feudal sovereign, usually a Duke. Smaller professional Man-At-Arms regiments tend to be reserved for the wealthiest of landholders in Balemont, such as the Crown.


Balemontian culture is also defined by its largely secular nature. Unlike their adversary Drakzul, the Balemontians pride themselves on the freedom to openly worship the Light and Gray God's. Worship of the Dark God's is forbidden by law. Temples of the Light and Gray Gods can commonly be found in medium sized and larger populated areas. Smaller temples can be found in villages and small towns, usually dedicated to the locals most revered God.

Agriculture & Industry

Balemont is a largely agrarian society. Much of their trade and sustenance comes from their large agricultural sector. The largest towns are the home to the most renowned artisans and trade companies.


Education in Balemont is far from egalitarian. The Nobility enjoy education from the brightest minds in the realm while the peasant class, though not entirely barred from education, are mostly confined to the manual labor that keeps the Balemontian economy running. The artisans, guild keepers and other skilled workers who make up the middle class can enjoy more advanced education, for a fee of course.   The Nobility and to a lesser extent the Middle class tend to receive education from various institutions such as the High Council of ArcanaThe Aspirants of Deftbride, and formal schools of thought in the larger cities. The educated among the peasants tend to be educated by those from the classes above them or receive philosophical and religious teaching from the various temples to the Light and Gray gods.
Coat of Arms of Balemont
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Training Level
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Legislative Body
The Crown is the sole legislator though the Crown Council has considerable sway on the development and implementation of Crown law.
Judicial Body
Law in Balemont is defined by Crown Decree and is carried out by a regional hierarchy of representatives of the Crown. The Crown itself is the ultimate judicial authority but much power is invested into the regional Crown's Gavel who, with the exception of matters needing Crown attention or matters within the Crowns immediate holdings, is the executor of the law and jury of those who find themselves outside its confines.   In larger urban centers such as Highbale it is not uncommon for the Council of Lowmen to mediate more trivial problems between the peasant and merchant class.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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