On to Bellaria Report in In Search of Dragons | World Anvil

On to Bellaria

General Summary

We met up back in the Inn and told the rest of the party what had occurred. It was finally time for Khardra to give his presentation. Just before the speech, two additional humans joined our group, a Paladin, and a fellow Druid. The Paladin introduced himself as Bing IronBlade, a Knight belonging to the Legion of Steel which is a group of mercenaries that fights for good causes. He is looking to get a promotion so he can lead the forces of good from a higher position. He said he was some sort of commander that had about 50 individuals under his direction, but somehow, he is alone on this quest. Too bad, we sure could have used 50 fighters.   The Druid’s name is Oriana Salali along with her leopard companion who she calls Valeara. I feel better knowing that another Druid is in the group. She originated from the extreme Northeastern section of Ansalon in the nation of Nordmaar, a little Northwest of Northkeep, next to the Sahket jungle. She is young, but seems quite capable of handling herself. It is good to have another Druid so we can complement each other’s masteries.   At the presentation stand the town was holding a raffle. This was to help fund the goats in town. Since it was to help the goats, Oriana and I both bought 20 tickets, Mirra bought a few and Ra Di Gas bought 1. Oriana won a bow and quiver filled with arrows and I won a moon stone pennant. Although not magical, it is still worth 75 steel pieces. I will wear it with pride.
Report Date
21 Jul 2023
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EstWilde Regional
At last, Khardra came out to give his speech. He was humanoid, but stood almost 8 ft. tall, with severe burns on half of his face. He had black eyes with white pupils and carried a 3-pronged iron staff. He was like most speakers that I have heard before, telling stories of himself, and wanting to impress others. He seemed to have a following of individuals in the town. He finally unveiled what was under the tarp with a flourish, it was a juvenile Silver Dragon.
  Khardra said that it had died from some disease that was happening to the dragons. Oriana went up to inspect the dragon after the speech and saw that it has purple splotches all over it but it also had 3 punctures wounds in its neck. Later when I asked her if the wounds matched the prongs on Khardra’s iron staff I could almost see a click as she put the two together.   Bing was also not convinced that Khardra was telling the truth, as he could sense that Khardra had a severe lack of having an aura of “goodness” about him. When I questioned him about why he thought the dragons were disappearing he said the time of the dragons was at an end, and it was the age of man to prosper. When I asked him why he thought that dragons and man couldn’t coexist, he said that the time of dragons was over. I have a huge problem believing this.   This all leads me to the conclusion that Khardra was deceiving people and leading them in the wrong direction. When we met Mayor Fromm later in the business meeting tent, he told me that he thought that something was off with the Bronze Dragon that flew overhead when we were fighting the animated objects that were attacking people in town. I guess I was not the only person that noticed the dragon flying overhead at that time. We then said that we were prepared to go on the quest, but lacked what our next move should be. Where would we go? What would we look for?   He said we should head for Belleria, about 3 days travel to the Northeast. But we should also be on alert as individuals have been disappearing, magical animals have been seen wandering, and minor earthquakes have been occurring in the area where we were to travel. Ti'ock and I then went to see if we could talk to some people and see if we could determine what direction Khardra and his troops had traveled when he left town. It was to no avail. Nobody saw what direction they went and we couldn’t find any tracks that they had left.   Oriana tried talking to a bird and learned that they stuffed the dragon into a bag, obviously a large bag of holding, but could not tell her which direction they went. Something tells me that this was not the last time we were going to meet Khardra. It was very probable that the next time we met, it would be as adversaries.   It was time to eat some dinner, call it a night, get some sleep, and head out in the morning. After dinner, I headed up to the room only to find my bedding and equipment had been moved to the upper bunk and Bing laying in my spot. He said that at his advanced age, and with his aging body, he couldn’t get into the top bunk and needed the lower one. If he needs a lower bunk, I can provide him with one. I pulled the mattress that he was on, and dropped it on the floor, then shifted the top mattress to the lower bunk for me. When he complained I said that if he was still out adventuring, he could climb the ladder to the top bunk. If he had problems doing that, then maybe he shouldn’t be out in the wild. He then complained to Fromm who set him up with a single room, everyone was happy. And people don’t understand why I don’t like humans.   The next morning, we set out for Belleria. I informed the group, since we had new party members with us, that my companion was a trained mount and no one was allowed on him besides me, unless I had instructed Red Dog that it was allowed. On the trail after only a short way, Bing was tired of walking, looked back directly at me, and called upon Kiri-Jolith and summoned his mount. It was unusually sympathetic how his mount knelled to allow him to get in the saddle without straining his leg. Along with his mount IronBlade at least had a lance. That could be quite useful, if he knows how to use it and is properly trained. So now, Mirra, Bing, and myself are on mounts and Ti’ock, Ra Di Gas and Oriana are on foot.   Farther along the path we saw what looked like a split in the earth to the east of the trail that we were on. On the way over to investigate, we were met by a drunken, one-eyed, bum with a bandage on his head. He told us a story of a woman that had snatched his glass eye out of his head and traveled with mystical beasts. Bing cured him of his wounds and Ti’ock filled his cup with ale while he told us his plight. Bing told him to go to Fair Meadows and they would take care of him there. We told him that if we found his glass eye during our journey that we would return it to him. And with that we parted.   When we made it to the tear in the land, we saw that it was very wide and deep and got bigger and deeper as it traveled North. We decided that it would be safer if we went back to the road and just keep an eye on the gorge in case something came out of it.   When we headed back to the trail to Belleria a herd of deer came running out of the woods that were on the west side of the trail. I could tell they were running in terror of something. After seeing what was chasing them a single thought popped into my head, “Should I cover Ti’ock in hot sauce?” as I unsheathed one of my spears and got Red Dog ready to charge.


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