Episode 1: A restless Winter and a new threat over the Anduin Report in In the Shadow of the Mountains | World Anvil
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Episode 1: A restless Winter and a new threat over the Anduin

General Summary

Preparations for the winter

The traumatised fellowship return East to the relative comfort of the Men of Wilderland settlements along the borders of Western Mirkwood. Just South of the The Old Ford Hathus and Monin depart for Rhosgobel while Sigmarr heads to Woodland Hall to rest out the colder months. Amalfrida pulls her woolen cloak tight around her shoulders and agrees to meet her companions in early Spring. She turns heal and trudges towards her home and kin at Crofters Vale.

Spring invigorates the fellowship, but old memories linger

Hathus spends his time at Rhosgobel helping out the villagers and befriending the old wizard Radagast the Brown who lives nearby. Monin enjoys the company of the simple folk too, sufficient for his personality and mood to lift as Spring returns. Sigmarr, spends much of his time alone in Woodland Hall, hopeful that the dark dreams plaguing him most nights will lift. The fellowship meet again on 15th Rethe, 2948 at Rhosgobel as the last of the snows melt. Monin and Hathus are in good spirits and eager to show Sigmarr and Amalfrida the wonders of the strange wildlife living close to the settlement, but Sigmarr is still in a fug following his miserable winter of solitude.

A meeting with a Wizard

Shortly after Sigmarr and Amalfrida return to complete the fellowship, the party receives an urgent summons from Radagast the Brown. The summons comes one evening, as the dusk draws in. A bushy-tailed red squirrel leaps from tree to tree, then lands on the roof of the hall and scurries along the supporting pillars before it drops down in front of the company. It bows in the manner of a courtier, and beckons the company to follow it. The company notice it has a golden chain around its neck.  
Following the squirrel brings the company along a path of crushed white stones that Sigmarr and Monin tried to follow previously and didn’t seem to lead anywhere. The path winds its way through the woods, travelling alongside the sharp-thorned brown hedge that protects Rhosgobel from the wild woods beyond, and brings the company to a small cottage in a little clearing. The lights of the cottage are warm and welcoming as the night draws in. A horse eats grass contentedly in the field beside the house. The squirrel runs ahead of the company, climbs up the wall, and rings a little bell by the door. The door swings open of its own accord. “Come in, come in,” says the voice of Radagast the Brown.   The cottage is crammed with all sorts of stuff - the gifts of generations of grateful visitors and villagers, from painted earthenware to travelling gear, to jars of herbs and spices. There are cages containing sick or wounded animals, casks of wine, moth-eaten blankets, framed woodcarvings piled against one wall, a teetering pile of scrolls, a writing-desk that overflows with parchment, letters and notes, and any number of birds hopping in and out of the window or roosting in the thatched roof.   Inside, Radagast the Brown sits in a comfortable-looking chair, wearing a ratty brown robe. He looks exhausted and weather-beaten, but an energetic spark still animates his dark eyes. A simple supper of bread, cheese, jams and fruits is spread out on the table – there is enough for the whole company. Radagast the Brown insists that the company eat first, before he moves onto the reason he called them here. There is no need for formal introductions, the Wizard already knows the fellowship.  
“News – well, rumour and wild stories - has reached me of late. There is talk of Orcs moving across Wilderland , of evil things stirring up, of disquiet and sorrow and all manner of unpleasant things. This news comes from all quarters, but mostly from the west.”
“I was so concerned that I sent word south to the head of my order, Saruman the White, who is wise beyond all others. He said that the best thing to do would be to act quickly and quietly, and with caution. My intent is to send you in search of the root of these stories. Your mission is to gather information and report back – learn all you can, but do not reveal your presence to the enemy! I think the best place to start is Mountain Hall, the main settlement of the Woodsfolk west of the Great River. Hartfast is head of the council of Elders there – he is a good man, very sensible, and little happens in the vale of The Anduin that does not escape his notice. Ask him for news.”
  After an earnest evening of questions, worrying answers and some fine mead and pipeweed, the fellowship are gifted with three boons from Radagast the Brown.  
  1. Beast Protection: The wizard promises he will tell his animal friends to assist the company. When the company leaves, every animal will keep an eye on their progress until the fellowship return to Radagast the Brown with their report.
  2. Mirkwood Cordial: Radagast the Brown gives the company a flask of a powerful alcoholic beverage, enough for six sips of the thick liquid. He accompanies the offer with a warning: “Beware, as this liquor has been distilled from rare herbs I picked deep in the forest of Mirkwood. Remember, one sip at a time."
  3. Storm Bag: Radagast the Brown digs up a battered leather pouch with a waxed black drawstring. The pouch is oddly warm to the touch.
Elven Bag by LARPInn
  Late into the evening, as the embers from the fire begin to cool, the fellowship retires to bed. Somehow the tiny cottage is much larger on the inside than it seems on the outside, and the fellowship each enjoy a separate comfortable bedroom. In the morning the enigmatic wizard has gone.

Journey to Mountain Hall

  The fellowship set out immediately the following morning. The weather is clear, the air crisp, and even Sigmarr's spirits are lifted somewhat. After a few days travelling, the fellowship can't help notice that flocks of sparrows fly into their group, swoop around and then hover above them. A thrush flies energetically to and fro in a manner that always ends with it swooping to the South East. The group maintain a vigilant watch but fail to spot any pursuit during the day.   As night draws in the fellowship find an old ruined tower base where they shelter. Some unknown watcher has constructed a short wooden watchtower within it, and it is from this vantage point, that Amalfrida first hears the howl of wolves!   A small pack stalks towards the camp and attacks, but the fellowship are made of stout stuff, and manage to take care of the mangy beasts with minimal injury. It seems like the animal companions are helping already.
Report Date
12 Apr 2020
SOURCE: Wolfshield Games  
Podcast: S01E23

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Cover image: Land of Skyrim by Jonas De Ro


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