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Finding Sael

Written by CoolG1319

“Did you hear about Sael?”
“Sael? You mean that incredibly lonely Beast?”   “Yes, him! I heard he ran away from home to isolate himself from everyone.”   “Oh. How sad.”   “What’s sad?”   The two succubi turned to face Kathy, approaching them.   “Gein was telling me what she learned about Sael,” Daeby said.   “Who’s Sael”, Kathy asked.   “From what I picked up, people say he is a lonely Beast who nobody loved. One day, he felt so lonely he ran to a remote cave to isolate himself forever,” Gein explained.   “Yeah, it’s quite depressing,” Daeby added.   Kathy pondered for a while, then turned to Gein and asked, “Who did you find out this from?”   “Some Beasts outside were talking about him,” she responded.   “What do they look like”, Kathy quickly asked.   Gein narrowed her sapphire blue eyes and stared at her. “Why are you so interested in him? Do you know him or something?”   “No. I just feel that his reason for leaving like that must be much more than just ‘he was very lonely’. So, answer my question: what did those Beasts look like?”   Gein gave her a sultry expression and seductively smiled. She moved close and whispered in Kathy’s ear, “That will cost you”, while slowly gliding her smooth, clawed fingers over her shoulders. Kathy gently pushed her away and lifted her chin with a finger, whispering back, “I’ll ‘pay’ you, but after you answer my question.” Gein moves backwards, annoyed, and mumbles, “You’re so hard to seduce!” Kathy only smirked.   Gein described the two Beasts as huge, with one having the head of an eagle and the legs of a cow, while the other having the head and legs of a boar, the ears and tail of a rabbit, and the wings of a bat. Kathy thanked her and walked past her, mockingly smacking her side with her tail as she went.   As she made her way towards the edge of the meadow, she heard Heilla, her very close friend, call out to her. Heilla ran up to her and asked her where she was going.   “To the Beasts region, I’m going to find out what’s going on with Sael,” Kathy confidently responded.   “The Beasts region,” Heilla exclaimed in surprise and mild terror, “That place is extremely treacherous and most of the Beasts are really feral!”   “I know, which is why I want you to come with me,” Kathy stated.   Heilla’s crimson eyes widened in surprise. Before she could utter a word, Kathy continued. “I would need some company and besides, I love hanging out with you”, she ended with a reassuring smile.   Heilla relaxed. “Fine,” she reluctantly relented, “I’ll go with you.” Kathy smiled and gave her a warm, reassuring hug and promised not to let anything bad happen to her. So, they walked out of the meadow, towards the giant black iron gate marking the entrance to the treacherous Beasts region and entered.

“Do you know where we could find Sael?”   The eagle-headed-and-cow-legged Beast Gein had seen earlier whipped around and stared at the two succubi. “What?”   “Where is Sael?”, Kathy repeated.   “What the hell makes you think I know?” the Beast growled.   “A little bird told me that she heard you talking about him,” Kathy replied.   “Even if I did know, I wouldn’t help some succubi!”   “I just need to-“   Suddenly, the Beast grabbed Kathy by the throat and lifted her close to her face. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll get the hell out of here”, she threatened in a low voice, then threw Kathy to the ground and stomped off. Heilla rushed to Kathy and asked if she was okay while touting that coming here was a mistake and that they should go back. But Kathy just got up, massaged her throat and pushed on, with Heilla reluctantly following behind.   After traversing a few caves, they came across the other Beast Gein saw sitting on the ground facing the cave wall. Kathy cautiously approached him, reached up, and tapped him on the shoulder. He timidly turned around and looked at her.   “Sorry to bother you, but we need to know where Sael is”, Kathy said.   The Beast’s rabbit ears perked up. “Sael, you say?” He got up. “I have an idea of where he resides. Follow me.” He unfurled his bat wings and took to the sky with the succubi following suit. The three flew out of the cave, out of the Beast region and towards a far-away hill.

On the way, the Beast told them Sael’s story.     “Sael was born abnormally small, much smaller than the others. Everyone mocked him non-stop, calling him a ‘tiny puppy’, a ‘puny disappointment’, a ‘dwarf’, among other rude names. One day, he concluded that he would never be loved by anyone, so he decided to seclude himself in a cave for the rest of his life.”   “Aww, poor guy. He didn’t deserve to be treated that way,” Heilla lamented. Kathy stayed silent, thinking.   “Here it is”, the Beast announced after they touched down at the hill. He pointed at the cave entrance in front of them. “Sael should be in there.”   “Alright, thanks for the help,” Kathy said.   “Yeah, thanks”, Heilla echoed.   “Don’t mention it. Goodbye now.”   The Beast flew off, and the succubi entered the dark, damp cave to find Sael.  

Kathy and Heilla made their way to the end to the end of the cave when they saw him: a fairly large Beast with a lion’s head and a dog’s head, a wolf’s front legs, and a cat’s back legs. He was lying on the ground, seemingly asleep.   “He looks terrifying,” Heilla whimpered, cowering behind Kathy. “We should probably leave.”   “No”, Kathy quietly replied.   She slowly approached Sael, now staring at her, growling and snarling threateningly. She reached out to touch him, but he suddenly lunged at her, intending to bite her hand off. Kathy dodged the attack and grabbed him by his muzzle, firmly holding him, much to his and Heilla’s surprise. She leaned towards Sael and softly whispered, “Hey, it’s okay. We’re not gonna hurt you or anything.” Sael quietly growled. Kathy continued, “I know you probably feel like the loneliest creature in Hell; I once felt that way, too.”   She looked back at the past.   “When I came into this world, I felt cold, hungry, and utterly alone. I found myself alone, with no mothers around to nourish and comfort me. As time ticked by, the icy sensation in my thin, emaciated body grew more and more pronounced.” She turned towards Heilla, a grateful smile spreading across her face, thankful for the assistance she had been given. “Since then, she never left my side; she always played with me, always comforted me, and always made me smile.”   Touched, Heilla shed a single tear and couldn’t utter a word, and so did Sael, who shed tears of blue fire and looked at Kathy sadly. She gently stroked his heads and vowed, “From here on out, I will keep you company and make sure that you won’t feel lonely ever again.” She then gave him a warm, comforting hug, which he returned, grateful.   Kathy and Heilla gently led him out of the cave, and Sael gave them a ride back to Succubus Cove, where he vowed to stay with and be loyal to Kathy for the rest of his life.

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Author's Notes

This is my entry for the Adventure April challenge! It's a lot longer than I expected, but I had fun writing it! It's my first time doing something like this and I hope you guys like it :D
All images are original works of the author (though some are traces of Google images or AI art generated by the author)   © CoolG1319 All rights reserved.   Powered by World Anvil

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Apr 11, 2024 10:15

Nice.   I like how you see a bit of range with characters with some leaning more to typical expectations than others (ie the Beast that immediately attacks Kathy while the next is way more chill and not a jerk).   ----------------------------------------------------------------   Feel free to check out my entrie: Out Of The Dungeon And Through The Forest

Apr 11, 2024 10:47 by CoolG

Glad you're pleased :D

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